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Reviews by Author


Adler, C.S.
     Good-bye Pink Pig

Aguirre, Ann

     • Sirantha Jax Series

Alcott, Louisa May

     Rose in Bloom

Alexander, Lloyd

     • The Westmark Trilogy

Alexander, Tasha

     • The Lady Emily Ashton Series
        And Only to Deceive
        A Poisoned Season

Alexie, Sherman

Allen, Sarah Addison

     Garden Spells

Anderson, R.J.

     • The Faery Rebels Series
        Spell Hunter

Andrews, Ilona

     • The Kate Daniels Series
        Magic Bites
        Magic Burns
        Magic Strikes
        Magic Bleeds
        Magic Slays

     • The Edge Series
        On the Edge
        Bayou Moon

      • The World of Kinsmen       
        Silent Blade

Armstrong, Kelley

     • The Women of the Underworld Series


Baratz-Logsted, Lauren

     Crazy Beautiful

Benway, Robin

     Audrey, Wait!

Berry, Liz

     The China Garden

Bezzant, Pat


Bickle, Laura


Blackman, Malorie

   • The Noughts & Crosses Sequence
      Noughts & Crosses

Bracken, Alexandra

     Brightly Woven

Brashares, Ann

     The Last Summer (of You & Me)

Bray, Libba

     • The Gemma Doyle Series
        The Sweet Far Thing

Brennan, Sarah Rees

      • The Demon's Lexicon Trilogy    
        The Demon's Lexicon
        The Demon's Covenant
        The Demon's Surrender

Brent, Madeleine

Briggs, Patricia

     • The Mercy Thompson Series
        Iron Kissed
        Bone Crossed
        Silver Borne

     • The Alpha and Omega Series
        Cry Wolf
        Hunting Ground

Brooks, Martha

Bunce, Elizabeth C.

     A Curse Dark as Gold

Burden, Meg

   • The Tales of the Borderlands  


Caine, Rachel

     • The Weather Warden Series
        Ill Wind
        Heat Stroke
        Chill Factor
        Thin Air

Carriger, Gail

     • The Parasol Protectorate

Cashore, Kristin


Collins, Suzanne

     • The Hunger Games Trilogy
        The Hunger Games
        Catching Fire

Collison, Linda


Colwin, Laurie

     Happy All the Time

Condie, Ally


Cooper, Susan

     • The Dark is Rising Sequence
        The Grey King


Crane, Carolyn

     • The Disillusionists Trilogy
        Mind Games

Creagh, Kelly


Creasy, Sara

     Song of Scarabaeus
     Children of Scarabaeus

Crusie, Jennifer

     Bet Me

Crutcher, Chris

     Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes

Cypess, Leah



Dessen, Sarah

Dexter, Susan

     • The Warhorse of Esdragon Trilogy
        The Prince of Ill Luck
        The Wind-Witch

Dolamore, Jaclyn

     Magic Under Glass

Duncan, Lois

     Locked in Time

Dunkle, Clare B.

     • The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy
        The Hollow Kingdom
        Close Kin

Durst, Sarah Beth



Eagar, Kirsty

     Raw Blue

Echols, Jennifer

     Going Too Far
     Forget You

Elkeles, Simone

     • The Perfect Chemistry Trilogy   
        Perfect Chemistry
        Rules of Attraction
      • Leaving Paradise Series  
        Leaving Paradise
        Return to Paradise


Fitzpatrick, Becca

     Hush, Hush

Flinn, Alex


Freitas, Donna
     This Gorgeous Game

Freymann-Weyr, Garret
     My Heartbeat

Frost, Jeaniene

     • The Night Huntress Series
        Halfway to the Grave
        One Foot in the Grave


Gee, Emily

George, Jessica Day

Gibbons, Stella

     Cold Comfort Farm

Gillard, Linda

     Emotional Geology  
     House of Silence   
     Star Gazing

Godbersen, Anna

     • The Luxe Series
        The Luxe

Golden, Christopher

     When Rose Wakes

Grant, K.M.

     • The de Granville Trilogy
        Blood Red Horse

Green, John

     Paper Towns

Greene, Bette


Haines, Lise

Hale, Shannon

Halpern, Julie

     Get Well Soon

Hanff, Helene

Harris, Charlaine

     • The Southern Vampire Series
        From Dead to Worse
        Dead and Gone
        Dead in the Family

     • The Harper Connelly Series
        An Ice Cold Grave
        Grave Secret

Harrison, Mette Ivie

Hieber, Leanna Renee

     • The Strangely Beautiful Series

Hinton, S.E.

     The Outsiders

Hoban, Julia



Ibbotson, Eva


James, Julie

Johnson, Maureen

     Suite Scarlett

Jones, Carrie



Karr, Julia

Katherine, Anna

     Salt and Silver

Kay, Guy Gavriel


Kearsley, Susanna

     The Winter Sea

Kelly, Tara

     Harmonic Feedback

Keplinger, Kody

     The DUFF

Keyes, Pamela

     The Jumbee

Kiernan, Celine

     • The Moorehawke Trilogy
        The Poison Throne

King, Laurie R.

     • The Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes Series
        The Language of Bees

King, Stephen


Kingsolver, Barbara

     Animal Dreams

Kurland, Lynn

     • The Nine Kingdoms Series
        Star of the Morning
        The Mage's Daughter

Kushner, Ellen


Lackey, Mercedes

     • The Heralds of Valdemar Series
        Arrows of the Queen

Leavitt, Martine

     Keturah and Lord Death

Lee, Tanith

     The Claidi Journals

L'Engle, Madeleine

     And Both Were Young

Lerner, Rose

     In for a Penny 

Lindner, April


Lippman, Laura

     • The Tess Monaghan Series
        Baltimore Blues
        Charm City
        Butchers Hill
        In Big Trouble

Llewellyn, Richard

     How Green Was My Valley

Lockhart, E.

Lorimer, Janet


Mackall, Dandi Daley
     Eva Underground

Mackler, Carolyn

Malley, Gemma

     The Declaration

Manning, Sarra


Mantchev, Lisa

     • The Théâtre Illuminata Series
        Eyes Like Stars

Marchetta, Melina

     Jellicoe Road

Marillier, Juliet

     • The Sevenwaters Series
        Heir to Sevenwaters

     • The Wildwood Series
        Cybele's Secret

Marion, Isaac

     Warm Bodies

Marr, Melissa

     • The Wicked Lovely Series
        Ink Exchange
        Fragile Eternity
        Radiant Shadows
        "Stopping Time"
        Darkest Mercy

Marriott, Zoë

Marston, Ann

     • The Rune Blade Trilogy
        Kingmaker's Sword

Massey, Misty

     Mad Kestrel

McDonald, Sandra

McKillip, Patricia A.

     The Changeling Sea

McKinley, Robin

     Rose Daughter

McMann, Lisa

     • The Dream Catcher Trilogy

Mead, Richelle

     • The Vampire Academy Series
        Vampire Academy
        Shadow Kiss
        Blood Promise

Meyer, Stephenie

     • The Twilight Series
        Breaking Dawn

     The Host

Moning, Karen Marie

     • The Fever Series

Monk, Devon

     • The Allie Beckstrom Series
        Magic to the Bone

Moore, Moira J.

     • The Hero Series
        Resenting the Hero
        The Hero Strikes Back
        Heroes Adrift
        Heroes at Risk
        Heroes Return

Moriarty, Liane

     What Alice Forgot


Nelson, Jandy

     The Sky is Everywhere

Nix, Garth

    • The Abhorsen Trilogy

Nixon, Joan Lowery

Norton, Andre

     • The Gryphon Trilogy


O'Dell, Scott

     The Road to Damietta

Oates, Joyce Carol

     Big Mouth & Ugly Girl


Pace, Alison
     If Andy Warhol Had a Girlfriend

Pagliassotti, Dru

     Clockwork Heart

Palmer, Liza

     Seeing Me Naked

Peet, Mal


Perkins, Stephanie

     Anna and the French Kiss

Peterfreund, Diana

     • The Secret Society Girl Series
        Secret Society Girl
        Under the Rose
        Tap & Gown

     • The Killer Unicorns Series

Peters, Elizabeth

• The Amelia Peabody Series
        Crocodile on the Sandbank
• The Vicky Bliss Series
        Borrower of the Night

Pierce, Meredith Ann

     • The Darkangel Trilogy
        The Darkangel

Pierce, Tamora

     • The Beka Cooper Trilogy

Pullman, Philip

     • The Sally Lockhart Series
        The Ruby in the Smoke


Raybourn, Deanna

     • The Lady Julia Grey Series
        Silent in the Grave

Richardson, Kat

     • The Greywalker Series

Roberson, Jennifer

     • The Robin Hood Duology
        Lady of the Forest

     • The Sword-Dancer Saga

Rosoff, Meg

     What I Was


Sagara, Michelle

     • The Chronicles of Elantra
        Cast in Shadow

Sandell, Lisa Ann

     Song of the Sparrow

Saunders, Kate

     Bachelor Boys

Schroeder, Lisa

     Chasing Brooklyn

Scott, Elizabeth


Sfar, Joann

Shearin, Lisa

     • The Raine Benares Series
        Armed & Magical

Shinn, Sharon

     • The Samaria Series

     • The Twelve Houses Series
        Reader and Raelynx
        Fortune and Fate

     • The Safe-Keeper's Trilogy
        The Dream-Maker's Magic

Shulman, Polly


Sinclair, Linnea

     • The Dock Five Universe Series
        Gabriel's Ghost
        Hope's Folly

Singh, Nalini

     • The Guild Hunter Series
        Angel's Blood

Siplin, Karen

     Whiskey Road

Sloan, Holly Goldberg

     I'll Be There

Smith, Sherwood

Smith-Ready, Jeri

     • The WVMP Radio Series
        Wicked Game
        Bad to the Bone

Snyder, Maria V.

     • The Study Trilogy
        Poison Study
        Magic Study
        Fire Study

Sones, Sonya

     What My Mother Doesn't Know

Speare, Elizabeth George

     Calico Captive

Stevenson, D.E.

Stewart, Mary

Stiefvater, Maggie

     • The Books of Faerie Series

     • The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series

Stork, Francisco X.

     Marcelo in the Real World

Summers, Courtney

     Some Girls Are


Thornton, Rosy
     The Tapestry of Love

Turnbull, Ann

Turner, Megan Whalen

     • The Queen's Thief Series
        The Thief
        The Queen of Attolia
        The King of Attolia
        A Conspiracy of Kings


Vincent, Rachel

     • Shifters Series

Voigt, Cynthia

     • The Tillerman Cycle


Werlin, Nancy


Whitcomb, Laura 
     A Certain Slant of Light

White, Ellen Emerson

     • The President's Daughter Series
        Long May She Reign

Wiess, Laura

     Such a Pretty Girl

Wilson, C.L.

     • The Tairen Soul Series

Wright, Nina



Zusak, Markus

     I am the Messenger

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$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

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