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Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore

I first read about this series on Ann Aguirre's blog. She recommended it so highly and, given how much I enjoyed Grimspace, I immediately picked up a copy of the first book--Resenting the Hero. By the time I cracked it open, I'd been sufficiently warned not to be deterred by the ridiculous cover and anemic title. It's difficult to get past the outside, they said, but persevere you must. The cover is truly cringe-worthy. But the contents are not. The story has its laughable parts. But they're meant to be funny. So that's all right.

Lee (short for Dunleavy) Mallorough has trained her entire life to be a Shield. Shields work together with their Source counterparts. Sources have an uncanny ability to detect natural disasters and avert them. Unfortunately, channeling that much power is guaranteed to kill a Source, unless he or she is bonded to a Shield, whose job it is to protect the Source's mind for the duration of the channeling. A few times a year, unbound Sources and Shields are brought together for The Choosing. Tradition has it that the first time a proper pair sets eyes on each other, the bonding occurs and they both just know. And to make The Choosing even more nerve wracking, the pairing is a lifelong bond. When one dies, so does the other. So, yeah. No pressure.

Suffice it to say Lee is less than thrilled when she looks up into the eyes of Taro (short for Shintaro) Karish, the infamous golden boy of the Source-and-Shield world, and just knows. The unlikely and, on Lee's part, completely unwilling pair are immediately assigned duty in High Scape--the most hazardous city in their world. Shortly after they arrive, a series of inexplicably powerful disasters strike the city, cutting down all but the newest Pair. Lee and Taro are left alone to protect the city and discover the force at the root of the disasters. Moira J. Moore has set up a rather unique fantasy world and two interesting, complex characters whose strengths and insecurities drive the story. I liked Lee and Taro and the fact that things didn't feel rushed. This is the first in a series and there is plenty of room for development and exploration, inside and out.

Ann Aguirre Review
Janicu's Book Blog Review
Literatrix Review


  1. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I actually think book two is even better, more moving. You'll get a big reveal about Taro that leaves you feeling breathless and achy.

  2. Hey Angie - Sounds like a fun series. :)

  3. Ooh, I'm definitely up for some breathless and achy and Taro. I'm glad to hear #2 is even better, Ann. I'm about 100 pages into it now and enjoying myself immensely.

    Hey Kimberly--it's definitely fun stuff. I'll pop reviews of the other two up as I finish them.

  4. Hi! Thanks for your comment (my favorite Ibbotson book that I have read so far is A Company of Swans). I think you have a great site here, would you like to exchange links?

  5. sounds good! I'm in for another good one.

  6. Hey, Ravenous. Thanks for dropping by. I'll definitely add a link to your site.

    Elisa--book one coming your way.

  7. I can't wait to hear what you thought of book two, Angie.

  8. Sooo good, Ann. Although I actually had to stop and take a deep breath after the big reveal about Taro. *sniffle*

  9. Shivers! I had shivers. Didn't you just want to cry when you found out the truth about him?

    Everything Lee thought was wrong about his upbringing, and she was SO mean to him. It really made me see why he tries so hard to be charming; he wants so desperately for everyone to like him. He's just so... sweet and lost in some ways...

    *wistful sigh* And I think there's nobody so important to him as Lee.

  10. Yes, I wanted to cry. And in my present (pregnant) state, I almost did!

    It was SO good for Lee to be there in that scene and understand just exactly what he's been feeling the whole time she's been so condescending to him.

    And Lee needs to listen to her mom when she tells her what their (Lee & Taro's) relationship is like. She was right on.

  11. Thanks Angie! I finally read this, after meaning to for ages, and now I can't wait for the next ones!


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