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Chill Factor by Rachel Caine

Vegas, baby.

This third installment in the Weather Warden series sees our girl Jo burning rubber to stop that little twit Kevin from taking over the world. Now that he's nigh unto invincible (thanks to a heady cocktail of Jonathan and Lewis' powers), he's made his new home a penthouse suite at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, Jo has a very unpleasant history with Sin City, and it comes back to haunt her in a Big Way as she desperately tries to locate Kevin and persuade him to see the light.

Chill Factor has a bit of the transitional novel feel to it as a new organization comparable (but sort of diametrically opposed) to the Wardens is introduced, exponentially complicating Joanne's life. Once again, every character except Jo seems to have layer upon layer of hidden motives. In some cases, (such as Marian Bearheart's) these motives made me want to cheer. In others, (such as Lewis') I felt a twist of pain in my gut and, even though he had a quasi-valid explanation, it still felt like betrayal and I didn't like it one bit. But I really did like the book and it certainly provided plenty of fodder for the coming books. Though this isn't the kind of book you'd want to, say, finish after all the bookstores have closed and not have the sequel waiting safely on your nightstand. You really wouldn't.

Someone's Read it Already Review
Word Nerd Review


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