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Games of Command by Linnea Sinclair

I decided to follow up my first Linnea Sinclair book (Gabriel's Ghost) with Games of Command and I am so glad I did. What a fun, fun book this is. I inhaled it over the weekend and wished there was a sequel lying around somewhere when I was done. Games of Command follows main characters Captain Tasha Sebastian and Admiral Branden Kel-Paten as well as secondary characters Dr. Eden Fynn and Captain Jace Serafino. As in Gabriel's Ghost, the two main characters have a history from the get-go and I love that. Makes me feel like I've stepped into something real and multifaceted, like the characters didn't just begin to exist when I opened the book but have instead been living their lives just fine without me and are now generously letting me peek in on what's going on.

When their respective employers form an alliance, the former nemeses find themselves working together on the same ship. Tasha and Kel-Paten both have a few very potent secrets to hide, from each other and the Alliance. But just when they think they've reached a professional balance of don't ask, don't tell, notorious pirate Jace Serafino lands on board the Vax, injured and fairly leaking information that could expose a number of people and set off a few nasty time bombs. Add to that the fact that Kel-Paten is a biocybe (half human/half machine), Serafino is a telepath, Tasha is a former mercenary, and the games are on. The point of view alternates between the four lead characters and this helped shape the flow of the story and propel it forward, giving the reader some insight into each characters' motivations, hopes, and flaws leading up to the conclusion.

I liked Gabriel's Ghost, but I loved Games of Command. A big reason was because Tasha and Kel-Paten are both good guys, completely and compulsively likable. He is not a reformed scoundrel, she is not a heartless opportunist. They're both simply in over their heads trying to claw their way out of the mess they've stumbled into. They enjoy taunting each other to a degree (naturally) but there is little to no run-of-the-mill bickering inserted just to show how insufferably domineering he is and how incredibly sassy she is. And that was utterly refreshing. I cared about them, wanted the best for them, and they didn't let me down by being petty or stupid. Reading this book was just plain Fun. Definitely a keeper.

Dear Author Review
Janicu Review
Nalini Singh Review
Rosario's Reading Journal Review


  1. I'm with you on this one. A lot of people squee over Gabriel's Ghost, but I loved this one more too. Kel-Paten is so fabulous. :)

  2. Great review, Angie! I haven't read this one yet, but I have it ready and waiting for me. I'm very excited to get crackin' now!

    And I'm with you on the liking it when characters have established relationships and lives before a book starts--it definitely lends a realistic feel to the story :)

  3. That's right, Jennie. Kel-Paten is the fab.

    Can't wait to read your reaction, Thea. This is a lick-the-sugar-off-your-fingers treat of a book. And, yes, I love Linnea Sinclair's established relationships and that shivery feeling I get when I realize, "Twelve years? This has been going on for twelve freaking years?!"

  4. This is another I've missed? *grin* Lovely review! :)

  5. Thanks, Kimberly. I highly recommend starting your Linnea Sinclair binge with this one. :)

  6. I loved this one too, just finished reading it. I just wanted Kel-Paten to be loved so much.

    But the best for me, was how what seemed 3 different storylines all came together in the end.

    Excellent book. Linnea Sinclair only gets better and better - I am going to read Shades of Dark and Accidental Goddess this week.

  7. Oooh, you have a copy of Shades of Dark already?

  8. Yeeeeees ; ) An ARC that fell on my lap.
    I started it last night and my heart is half-breaking already over Sully. This woman could not be more awesome. .


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