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2009 Must Be Mine List

Third and final book in the Nine Kingdoms Trilogy. Morgan and Miach are wonderful characters and I'm hoping they can vanquish what needs vanquishing and find a kind of rest. 

I fell in love with Whitcomb's graceful ghost story, A Certain Slant of Lightand have been anxiously awaiting her second novel. 

Fourth Mercy Thompson novel. Thea's already read it. *twitch* And I'm over here languishing. Like an animal.

Third Lady Julia Grey mystery. There will be progress Brisbane-wise in this one. I can feel it.

There will be zombies. That is all I know.

Third Kate Daniels novel. Things are really getting intersesting and I just love Kate and her magic drenched Atlanta. 

First in Aguirre's new series featuring magic handler Corine Solomon. Loved Grimspace. Looking forward to something new. 

Song of the Sparrow was really lovely. I'm a huge fan of Arthurian tales and it was such a great revisionist version. So I'm interested to see what Sandell does in a non-Arthurian, contemporary setting.  

Third in the Wicked Lovely world. More Seth, Aislinn, and Keenan. Wonder how much we'll see of Leslie? I loved her in Ink Exchange

The long-awaited second installment in the Beka Cooper trilogy. I thoroughly loved Terrier and can't wait to be back in the Lower City again.

Third in the Raine Benares series and guaranteed to rock my world. Go Team Tam!

Ninth Sookie Stackhouse book. No idea what to expect at this point, but this series has remained happily on track for me and I have, as always, high hopes. 

Sequel to Wicked Game. This series gives good groove. I really liked Ciara and how she's growing as a character and how she seems to thrive surrounded by OCD vampires who need her. 

Fourth and final installment in the Secret Society Girl series. Cannot. Wait. I foresee a very late night the day it comes out. 

Swoon by Nina Malkin
The two main characters' names are Dice and Sin and the town's called Swoon...Ahem.

The first in the new series that's going to keep me from despair when the Secret Society Girl series is over. Killer unicorns, Rome, virgin descendants of Alexander the Great. Bring it.

The Reluctant Heiress by Eva Ibbotson
Ibbotson returns to Austria in this new reissue of Magic Flutes, set in the 1920s and revolving around the Viennese Opera Company. A new (to me) Ibbotson is like a big, fat chocolate truffle of delight.

Hale's second adult contemporary offering after the fun, light AustenlandShould be entertaining.

The Rebel Princess by Judith Koll Healey
I thought The Canterbury Papers was intruiging and well-written and an interesting take on Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Knights Templar. I was hoping and am very glad to hear Healey has written another historical. 

Second in Briggs' Alpha and Omega series. I loved the short story that started it and I liked Cry Wolf just fine. Anna and Charles are sweet and worth following to see how they fare. 

Maggie is calling it her "werewolf nookie novel" and I, for one, can't wait to get my hands on it. Also...Sam got his name back. Yay!

Fourth in the Greywalker series. I've grown increasingly fond of this series with each new installment. Harper is a refreshingly sane character and Richardson's Seattle is a visceral character in its own right. 

No news on this one except that my love for Such a Pretty Girl leads me to believe it will be great.

New Meg Rosoff about a girl who runs away from home on the morning of her wedding with only a white horse to keep her company. Awesome.

Doubleblind by Ann Aguirre
Third in the Sirantha Jax series. I know things are, well, complicated. And I realize how fragile these characters are. But I'm still hoping for some happiness for them. 

Heroes at Risk by Moira J. Moore
Fourth in the Heroes series. Seriously, if you have not read these go out and rectify the situation immediately. Fans of Lisa Shearin take note. Start with Resenting the Hero and proceed on from there. They're great. Just great.

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Sequel to the The Hunger Games. My interest in the first book increased with each page right up to the anxiety-filled ending. I need to find out what happens next.

A new Shinn is always a pleasant thing indeed. This one is a YA, I believe.

Forest Born by Shannon Hale
Fourth Bayern book. I'm not even sure which character this one follows (Razo's sister?) but I have loved this series and am glad she's decided to continue beyond book three.

Fire by Kristin Cashore
Prequel to the so very good Graceling. That's right, it's a prequel. I know. I'm worried about the lack of Katsa & Po as well. Otherwise, it sounds great!

Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier
A standalone Gothic ghost story/romance set in fourteenth century Ireland. What was that sound, you say? It was the sound of Angie expiring from happiness at the prospect. 

Fall/No Fixed Date As of Yet
Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
The sequel to LamentThere will be more Deirdre, more Luke, and, in particular, more James! Bring on the amusing t-shirts. 


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Not surprisingly, we share several upcoming "must haves"! (I could go on for awhile here, but...)

    I so hope you're right and that there will be progress, Brisbane-wise. Can't wait for Silent on the Moor!

    And, yea!, new Raine Benares! Go Team-I'm-Not-Saying! ;)

  2. I can't wait for Blue Diablo and Doubleblind either. Heart's Blood sounds very intriguing. I've been wanting to read a book by Juliet Marillier for a while now.

  3. Chelle, lol. I have my suspicions as to your team status...

    Kristen, I love Marillier and highly recommend starting with Daughter of the Forest and not looking back.

  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Love your list! I'm going to have to save it down.

    2009 is looking good :-)

  5. It sure is, Li. I love it when the list of must haves gets nice and long.

  6. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Some very promising ones here! Specifically the Graceling prequel, the new Marillier (!!!) and the Suzanne Collins!

  7. Lots of great books on that list. I can't believe we have to wait till May for Tap&Gown and September to find out what happens to Katniss, Gale and Peeta!

  8. Emily, yay for new Marillier (!!!)

    Alexa, I know. They both seem so far away. I am particularly interested to see how much of a role Gale plays in the second book.

  9. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Ohhh, I forgot about the Meg Rosoff. It sounds fantastic. Okay, and I heart the cover, too.


  10. Trisha, I do love a new Rosoff. Each of her books has been so different that it's always fascinating to see what she does next.

  11. Anonymous9:55 AM

    hi, I just randomly came across this list of books you are waiting for and I thnk that almost every single one of them is on a wish list of mine somewhere so...Good Taste!! Since your tase seems so very similar to mine, I thought to recommend to you the Cast series by Michelle Sagara. I love them and the 5th book, Cast in Silence is out at the end of this year and is most prominent in my wish lists. If you do take up my suggestion I hope you enjoy them! (I just realised that if you've already tried and hated these books it's gonna be kinda embarassing...ah well, at least I tried! :D)

  12. Hi, Lydia! I'm glad you found your way here. And thanks for the Sagara recommendation. I've heard of her and wondered several times if I should check out the Cast series. It sounds like I definitely need to. I'll add it to my list!


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