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Beastly: the Movie

Alex Flinn's Beastly was on my Best of 2007 list and it remains my favorite modern-day retelling of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale. In my review I had this to say:
This B&B story hits everything right and the changes Ms. Flinn made enhanced her grittier version of the tale. For instance, Flinn's Beast is more akin to a dark superhero. Batman prowling the streets of Gotham City at night. He even takes a new name--Adrian--symbolizing his complete reversal in fortune, bleak new outlook on life, and ultimate rejection of the boy he used to be. In addition, the reader gets to catch the whole transformation thing as it happens. In most versions, we come to it way after the fact. Often the Beast has been languishing under his curse for hundreds of years when we come upon him. In this case, Kyle/Adrian has just two years to find true love and break the spell. I liked that we got in on how he coped with it all, as opposed to getting it in retrospect. This is also the first version I've read where Beauty's family didn't want her. Where, by all accounts, she's had a rougher life than he has. It makes it that much sweeter when these two people who have suffered much find not only love, but a way out.
I'm both surprised and delighted that they're making a movie of this book. The casting choices so far look...interesting. Though Neil Patrick Harris is sure to be awesome as Adrian's blind tutor. We shall see. Anyone else read Beastly? Thoughts?


  1. I enjoyed the book, too, and found my interest piqued when they announced plans for the movie. Alex Pettyfer was awesome in Stormbreaker, but he seemed to kind of disappear after that. Is he right for Kyle? I'm not sure, but I'm looking forward to seeing what he'll bring to the role.

  2. Chelle, I don't think I've seen any of the cast before, except NPH. I've loaned out my copy of BEASTLY several times since I read it. When I get it back next I may need to do a reread in preparation for the movie release. Those chat sessions cracked me up the first time around...

  3. Karen W.10:08 PM

    I'll definitely see the movie. "Beauty & The Beast" is my favorite fairy tale, and I really liked the book. I'm very excited it's going to be a movie!

  4. Karen, I'm glad to hear others liked this one. I hope the film attracts more attention to it. Can't wait to see it!

  5. I read in a magazine a while ago that Vanessa Hudgens is going to be Beauty in Beastly the movie..

    I was like 'Noooooooo!!!!!'
    Sorry,but I'm not a fan

  6. Beastly was one of the books my Harper editor sent me when I first sold to that publisher. I really enjoyed it!

  7. Eek - I loved this book and I'm more than a little nervous about the casting too. Hopefully the director will whip them all into shape!

  8. Valerie, yeah, I was pretty concerned about that as well. And I've never even seen her in anything. She's certainly not how I pictured Linda at all...

    Diana, how cool! I just thought it was a super retelling. Humorous, touching, dark, and sweet all at once. Winning combination, imo.

    Michelle, I know. Fingers crossed!

  9. I just finished the book a week ago.Though I wasn't wowed by the it, I did enjoy it. I had no idea they were making a movie. I'm kinda excited!

  10. Hey Oryfan! It is kind of exciting. I think they certainly have some good stuff to work with and hope it translates well to the big screen. I'm always a sucker for a good Beauty and the Beast retelling. :)

  11. Grace9:40 PM

    I cant wait to see the movie. i read the book and LOVED it.

    im actually a fan of vanessa hudgens and u guys should cut her some slack. u never know. u may think shes just the hyper girl from high school musical but shes and ACTRESS so just cut her some slack...please.

    anyways cant wait to see the movie!!!!

  12. Grace, it's such a good book, isn't it? I'm happy to meet a Vanessa Hudgens fan. Like I said above, I haven't seen her in anything. I think she's probably perfectly capable of doing a fantastic job. My doubts came mainly from the fact that her look and general presentation are nothing at all like the way Linda was described in the book. But I'm going in with an open mind. Can't wait to see it!

  13. Grace6:13 PM

    Yeah thats true. she doesnt look like a red head but i dont know im sure it'll be a good movie. i wish they had the audiobook on itunes tho.


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