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Tuesday Giggles: New Moon Version

I knew it wouldn't be long after the New Moon movie came out before the highly talented Cleolinda would have her New Moon in Fifteen Minutes up for public devouring. So for this version of Giggles, hie thee to Cleo's place and laugh yourself silly over her rundown of the latest offering from the Twilight verse. While you're there, check out her other hysterical recaps, including Twilight! And while you're here, did you see the flick? I did. What did you think?


  1. I laughed hysterically over the New Moon recap. I live for those things.

  2. I liked the movie! I thought the acting, special effects, and just about everything was done better this time around.

    I will say that I don't really like the casting of Edward (or Bella). I just dont think he really portrays Edward the right way.

  3. Of course I saw it. . .Team JAAAACOB. :)

  4. Donna, I know. She is ridiculously good at those. Her recap of the scene where Edward leaves....oh my word.

    Kath, yeah, you either like him or not. I think both of them need to smile more. They're both so pretty when they I enjoyed the movie as well!

    Janssen, lol, I was waiting for you to pop in. This movie was clearly made by Team Jacob fans, no? :)

  5. Thanks for the link! I checked for it straight away after I saw the film and it wasn't up yet. Oh God, the movie was so silly. For some reason I completely lost it when the werewolves were wrestling each other - it wasn't the silliest moment in the film but I was laughing so hard I was gasping.

  6. Funny - LOL. You asked on my blog a few days ago who I used in my team Gale sig- it is Kevin Zegers.


  7. Avoiding the movie, but loving the blog reviews.... :D

  8. Jenny, lol! The abundance of half-naked men was pretty silly.

    Pixie, ooh, good to know. :)

    Britt, yeah, they're fun to read as they come in.

  9. Went to the movie with you. Totally enjoyed it. I almost squealed with some of the old ladies when Jacob striped off his shirt for the first time, but I refrained by shoving that huge cookie in my mouth...

    I also agree that Bella and Edward smiling more would help their characters a lot! They are happier in the books.

    The 15 minute version is hilarious.

  10. Didn't see it, didn't read the movie. But I'll happily watch parody clips, so thanks!

  11. Enjoyed the movie, though I almost laughed a few more times than was intended by the director. Edward was too emo (*phonecrush emosob* from Cleolinda's recap is still making me giggle) this time around - I think I'm Team Edward for the books, but I may have to go with Team Jacob for the movies, at least this one.

    I'm glad you posted the link to the recap - I'd forgotten about those!

  12. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Thank you so much for this link! Hilarious. I actually like the books and the movies, but I admit they have plenty of flaws and it's fun to poke at those flaws!

  13. Liza, thank goodness for those cookies! lol. They are happier in the books, I agree. Ah, well. It was a good time.

    Tia, my pleasure. She does such a good job with them. They crack me up to no end.

    Allie, I'm with you on Team Jacob for the movies. Seriously seemed like TJ people were in charge of this one. And *phonecrush emosob* still has me laughing as well. So. Awesome.

    nikkimantyla, you are so welcome. I look forward to her recaps so much. And I liked the book NEW MOON just fine.

  14. Living overseas is tough when it comes to movies. To watch a movie in English is a big deal, so I went to a screening with friends, for fun, for night out, for anything but a good movie.


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