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Cybils Finalists

As you have probably noted, the Cybils finalists have been announced! I served on the first round of judges for the Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction category and let me tell you it was a ton of work. My eyes still glaze over a little bit when I think about it. But I had a great time and most of that was the fact that I got to work with six other amazing panelists: Sheila, Gwenda, Steve, Nettle, Sami, and Tanita. Our final discussion chat was an absolute hoot, as well as being a stimulating and challenging discussion on the merits of each and every one of the nominated titles this year. I found myself wishing I knew these people in person and could meet up in coffeehouses and chat with them on a regular basis. They're that smart and that funny and that into reading. It was a rocking good time and I feel like we narrowed the long list down to seven absolutely solid books. And here they are, complete with blurbs written by one of us seven judges:

Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction

by Pam Bachorz
Egmont USA
Nominated by:
Chelsea Campbell

Oscar Banks has fooled the town of Candor, Florida, into thinking he's the perfect son. Even his father, the town's founder, believes that the subliminal messages he invented and that are carried by ever-present music, have brainwashed Oscar into becoming one more "good kid" among many. Oscar, though, knows about the messages and has trained himself to resist.

First-time author Pam Bachorz has created a book that perfectly snares what every teen both fears -- to lose his/her identity and be part of the bland crowd. Oscar may be selfish, but his motivations are sincere and natural based on the tragedies that have happened to his family. Good science-fiction for young adults is scarce--SF is more than spaceships and lasers, it is how technology could be used to help or harm humanity--and Barchorz's book will linger long in the minds of readers. They'll wonder what they would do if they ever found themselves in Candor.
Steve Berman

Demon's Lexicon, The
by Sarah Rees Brennan
Margaret K. McElderry
Nominated by:
Nick Jessee

Brothers Nick and Alan have been living on the run for years, hunted by magicians trying to take back their mother. But while the brothers' relationship is front and center, the story truly belongs to Nick, the ultimate bad boy barely managed his whole life by his nicer brother. Nick should be unsympathetic, but instead Sarah Rees Brennan manages to make his lack of self-awareness achingly riveting. And in doing so she gives us one of the most memorable, fully realized characters in YA contemporary fantasy--and then she surrounds him with a slew of other memorable characters in an equally intriguing and unforgettable world. The jury simply couldn't put this book down, not until we reached its satisfying and surprising ending. A thrilling read--this debut novel goes off like fireworks.
Gwenda Bond

Dust of 100 Dogs, The
by A.S. King
Nominated by:
Lisa McMann

It's starts with the death of Emer Morrisey, famed female pirate, who is cursed to live the life of 100 dogs. When Emer is reborn as Saffron Adams, completely aware of her past lives, all Saffron can think is how fast she can get to Jamaica to rightfully reclaim her buried treasure. Dust is a novel that interweaves not one but three storylines that work to create one amazing story. King's ability to tell a story in three distinctive and controversial voices is what truly makes Dusta novel that will push the boundaries of what YA fiction can accomplish.
Samantha Wheat

by Kristin Cashore
Nominated by:
Jenny Moss

Fire is a human monster and the last of her kind. With the ability to control the minds of those around them, monsters inspire an uncomfortable (at times deadly) mixture of fear, hatred, and absolute longing in the people of the Dells. When her service is requested on behalf of the young King Nash, Fire is thrust into a mounting war and forced to reconcile her questionable abilities with her own demanding conscience. A first-rate high fantasy, Fire is at once subtle, thoughtful and throbbing with genuine emotion. The novel is peopled with a breathtakingly real cast of characters who wrestle with the thorny issues of gender, power, race, friendship, violence and family. Kristin Cashore’s gorgeous, understated writing weaves a complex, vivid world around them and the reader, making Fire an intensely gripping and nuanced read and one of the year’s finest.
Angie Thompson

Lips Touch
by Laini Taylor
Arthur A Levine
Nominated by:
Jolie Stekly

In Lips Touch, Laini Taylor takes on that most daunting of tasks reinventing the fairy tale--and succeeds brilliantly. Each story feels like a fresh new tale, and yet still holds the timeless haunting enchantment and wonder of all the best fairy tales. Every story is a self-contained gem, and centers around the danger, power and wonder of that most magical moment--the kiss. These stories are complemented by Jim Di Bartolo’s luminous art, adding another vivid dimension to the magic of the book. In Goblin Fruit, Kizzy is so consumed by longing that she is drawn into a kiss whose price may be more than she can afford to pay. In Spicy Little CursesSuch as These, Anamique, cursed at birth to kill with the sound of her voice, must decide if love is worth risking everything for. And inHatchling, Esme learns the shocking secret of her mother’s past and her own true identity. Taylor’s language is beautiful, lush and rich, and demands to be read slowly so that every word can be savored. Lips Touch is like goblin fruit, tantalizing and delicious, each taste leaving the reader desperately hungry for more.

Sacred Scars (A Resurrection of Magic, Book 2)
by Kathleen Duey
Nominated by:
Jenn R

As with its predecessor, Skin Hunger, Sacred Scars tells two stories, separated by many years and yet linked together. The story of the founding of the Limori Academy of magic--and a tragic yet resilient young woman named Sadima--connects in surprising ways with the parallel story of Hahp and his fellow students at the Academy generations later. The attention to detail is amazing, and the characters real and poignant. Sacred Scars is deep, dark and intense, and immersive in a way that lingers in the mind long after turning the final page.
Sheila Ruth

Tiger Moon
by Antonia Michaelis
Nominated by:
Carolyn Dooman

Set in the 1900’s, Tiger Moon is a lyrical South Asian fairytale which invites readers to a front row seat with a masterful storyteller. Colonial history, Hindu religion and mythology all play their part in this sweeping tale narrated by Raka, a new bride who is waiting for her execution at the hands of her husband. Like the Arabian Nights tales, Raka’s sweeping epic is told to pass the time, and includes elements of the fantastic and the realistic, relying on a talking tiger, a 16-year-old thief "with a conscience" and the kidnapped daughter of the god, Krishna, to explore themes of fate, change and free will. Translated from German, and described as both "playful" and "magical" by our panelists, Tiger Moon offers readers a chance to indulge in the richness of a different culture and go beyond the boundaries of the ordinary.
Tanita S. Davis

All the Categories:

Easy Readers & Short Chapter Books
Fantasy & Science Fiction (Middle Grade)
Fantasy & Science Fiction (Young Adult)
Fiction Picture Books
Graphic Novels
Middle Grade Fiction
Non-Fiction Middle Grade/YA
Non-Fiction Picture Books
Young Adult Fiction


  1. So how many books did you have to read for the Cybils? Sounds like a lot!

  2. 136 if I remember correctly were nominated. We didn't have to read every single one, but we did read quite a bit!

    Angie it was so great working with you and the other panelists! I couldn't have picked a better group of people!

  3. Yep, it was right around 136. We tried to get every book read by at least 2 panelists and then all the books each person wanted to shortlist were read by everyone.

    Sami, I completely agree. It was an absolute pleasure. I still think about that chat and laugh.

  4. Er, yeah I should of been clear. We weren't expected to individually read all 136 books ourselves. Angie I can't remember but do you also write fiction?

  5. Sami, lol. Depends on your definition of "write." I do write fiction. But none of it has made it off my notebook as of yet. :)

  6. It's a wonderful list. Seriously good stuff on there. I can't imagine trying to get that much reading in right around the holidays, though.

  7. So glad to see both Fire and Lips Touch: Three Times on the list! I thought those two were among the very best I read last year, and Kristin Cashore and Laini Taylor are both two very talented writers.

  8. Wow Angie! I'm sure you're ready to just collapse into a nice, big heap right about now. I'm gonna have to check up on a few of these - I've only read a couple. But Fire and Demon's Lexicon were among my favs :)

  9. I'm embarrassed to say I've only heard of one of those, and I've not read a single one. Updating my TBR list!

  10. Chelle, it was quite the feat I can tell you that. And much as I loved it, I have been enjoying sinking into a few whatever-I-feel-like-tonight reads since then.

    Kristen, absolutely. Those were both hits with the majority of panelists and I'm happy they're on there. Truth be told, I would have fought to the death for FIRE. And I wasn't the only one. :)

    Michelle, those were the two I was determined would make the finalists. My word, they're good. And, yes, I'm just sitting her reading whatever my heart pleases right about now.

    Jenny, no need to be embarrassed at all! I would probably never have read TIGER MOON or SACRED SCARS if it hadn't been for the gig and they're both fine books. But if you're wondering where to start, my money's on FIRE or THE DEMON'S LEXICON. *ninja*

  11. It was both a lot of work and a lot of fun. I really enjoyed our discussions, too. Y'all are a great group to work with, and I'd love to meet up in a coffeehouse and talk books and life!

  12. Okay, that's it. I might have to stop reading your blog. I recently pared down my TBR list from over 1,000 to 400. Now it's growing again by leaps and bounds, thanks, in part, to your blog. I guess it's not that bad after all. I just need to plan to live about 20 years longer.

  13. Sheila, it really was. You put together a really great group I was proud and honored to be a part of.

    Brenda, lol! Don't stop reading! There's got to be a way we can work out the living longer thing...;)

  14. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hope you don’t mind that I spotlighted your blog here.

  15. J. Kaye, I do not mind in the slightest. And thank you so much!!

  16. This is an amazing list and perfectly to my taste! Great job girls :)

  17. Lenore, coming from you that's very high praise indeed! I'm so happy to hear it.


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