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Literary Captivation

So for Christmas DH got me this beautiful painting of a girl reading under a tree. Isn't it pretty?
"Literary Captivation"
I originally came across it in Trish's post on Bookish Gifts over at Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'? and loved it. I clicked on over to the Hilaria Galleries shop on Etsy and drooled over her lovely work. Trish had posted the print of the left panel but, when I browsed through the gallery, I realized it was actually one half of a two-panel painting. There were prints available of the left panel but not the right. However, the original painting itself (both panels) was for sell. I IMed DH and, being the devious man that he is, he oohed and ahhed over it with me, agreed how perfect it would look hanging in my library, and then proceeded to tell me (in a shocked IM voice) that it had just sold.
Sadness! Woe. It really would have looked so perfect hanging in my library...

This was all about a month before Christmas and I regretfully let it go and went on with my life. Then Christmas morning rolls around and what do I unwrap? You've got it. My very own two-panel painting. The little sneak. So thanks to Trish for the heads up, to Hillary Doggart-Greer for her beautiful painting, and to DH for being crafty and surprising me with the perfect gift. When my son saw it he smiled and said, "Mommy, that's you reading." So it was a universal hit. And wouldn't you know it--it looks perfect hanging in my library.


  1. I like that a lot, very pretty. :)

  2. i would have to agree. it does look lovely in your library. i'm a fan.

  3. What a sneaky husband you have! Beautiful concept though!

  4. Awww...way to go Aaron! I love it, and it's definitely perfect for you!

  5. I love some of the cool things you can get on etsy. Sneaky, but then it was the best way to make it a surprise!

  6. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Awwww what an awesome guy!

  7. What an excellent trick, and what a beautiful painting. I love silhouettes. Gorgeous.

  8. It's lovely! I'd love to see a picture of it hanging in your library.

  9. Thanks everyone! I'll try to get a pic of it in the room up soon.

  10. It is lovely indeed.

    Talk about a man who doesn't let grass grow under his feet! That's some wonderfully quick thinking, indeed.

    Lucky woman you (and lucky man he :wink: )

  11. Nice! Your DH rocks!

    And my nosiness took me to his site from your link--his photography is wonderful.

  12. OMG! I'm totally jealous! It's a freaking gorgeous painting! Lucky you. :D

  13. Now that is a spouse who is a keeper. What a gorgeous painting!!

  14. That is so beautiful! I love Etsy! They have great stuff!

  15. Azteclady, I know, right? I was impressed with his initiative. lol.

    Katy, you are sweet. He does rock. And I'm glad you enjoyed his photos!

    Trish, isn't it!? It's all thanks to your post!

    Jen, I agree. :)

    Isabelle, Etsy is amazing. I love prowling around and finding little gems like this one.

  16. Wow! Thanks so much for your post about my painting :) It really warmed my heart to know that this piece went to someone who will love it as much as I did. It was a truly sincere work for me, as I'm an avid reader and under trees are some of my favorite places to indulge. What an awesomely thoughtful husband you have--and I would LOVE to see a pic of it in your library as well...


  17. Wow! So pretty! I want one! :-)

  18. I hope you do not mind, I used this picture in my blog today.

  19. this post has excellent information.

  20. The remarkable message


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