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28 Days of Winter Escapes: A Q&A with Rachel Hawthorne

Today I'm pleased to be the official book blog partner for Harper Teen's 28 Days of Winter Escapes Tour. I'll be spotlighting young adult paranormal author Rachel Hawthorne's latest Dark Guardian novel Shadow of the Moon with an exclusive Q&A with the author herself as well as a chance to win a signed copy of the book and an iPod Touch. Please welcome Rachel Hawthorne!
Dark Guardian
Rachel Hawthorne
1. Your characters in this series are destined to be together—how do they know they’ve found the one?
They feel an immediate attraction. They can’t stop thinking about each other. But there is also an element of danger because the feelings are so intense. Sometimes they can cause one of the characters to pull back from the relationship. What the characters feel is scary, exciting, thrilling, comforting—it encompasses all emotions and makes them all seem much bigger than anything else they’ve ever experienced.
2. Transformation and love are big themes in this series—what’s your opinion about how these two things impact one another?
I believe love can transform us. It can cause us to view ourselves more positively, can give us confidence, can give us a sense of completion and feeling special. When we’re loved, it can make us strive to be more than we ever thought we could be. When we love someone, we seldom want to disappoint that person. Giving and receiving love are so intermingled that it’s difficult to separate which affects us the most, but basically love makes everything about life seem so much richer.
3. Do you believe in soul mates?
I do believe in soul mates. I don’t believe that soul mates are limited to the person with whom we’re romantically involved. I think a soul mate can be a best friend or a family member. It’s someone with whom we connect deeply and profoundly. 
4. What about love at first sight?
I think it’s rare, but I do believe it happens. Sometimes there is just a connection that can’t be explained. My parents were an example—they went to a dance without dates, looked across the room, spotted each other, and just knew the potential was there for something special to develop between them.
5. Would you rather date a werewolf, vampire, or zombie?
I would have to go with a werewolf. The animal magnetism that’s always hovering beneath the surface appeals to me. They’re warm, alive, and they have the ability to shift into a creature that will fight to defend its territory. And I think they would be terrific cuddlers.
* * *
Thank you so much, Rachel! Make sure to stop by the official 28 Days of Winter Escapes website today for a chance to win a copy of Shadow of the Moon by answering the official poll.
You can also follow the Book-A-Day giveaway tour on Twitter (using the #28daygiveaway hashtag). There are still eight more days and giveaways throughout the rest of February, so be sure to stop in for a chance to win one of the remaining books including, among others, Jellicoe Road, The Heart is Not a Size, and The Reckoning!


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