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Ruby Slippers

Even though Valentine's Day has passed, I couldn't resist a quick post on what made mine surprisingly lovely this year. The thing is, Aaron and I, we don't really do the big day of love. Occasionally we'll get out for an early dinner but that's about it. This year the topic didn't even come up. And then, after a long frustrating day, I came home, did the whole evening routine with the kids, and turned around to find an unassuming silver bag sitting on my desk. Aaron was in the other room so I was able to read the poem sitting on top and cry in private (I'm a sucker when the boy writes me poems).

The poem was entitled, "Appropriate Footwear." You see, we have a long tradition of him making fun of me for my inappropriate footwear. Let me make it clear upfront, there is nothing wrong with my shoes. It's just that I tend to wear moccasins in the snow, sandals in the rain, no socks when temperatures are in the teens... that sort of thing. I won't spend the money to get a good pair of winter boots and he's forever making me go change out of my flip flops when I climb on the back of the motorcycle. Trust me, there have been many heated discussions on the issue.
*insert long suffering Aaronsigh here* 
So when I saw the title of the poem I assumed I'd find a sturdy pair of waterproof black boots in the box. Instead I found these:
"Ruby slippers?!" I exclaimed, delighted. 
"I wanted you to have a pair of shoes that would always take you home," he replied, smiling.

Kissing ensued. 

The poem, for those interested:
"Appropriate Footwear"

in the snow you'll find her
an impossible indian child
her thin mocassins frozen
stiff as oiled cardboard

"you will not make my feet
your feet"
she says
"you will not appropriate me"

if you forgive me
standing hotly in my boots
stubborn as a totem

i will be
your appropriate footwear


  1. That is incredibly sweet. You've got a keeper.

  2. This is the most ridiculously awesome gift I have ever heard of.

    When I find the right boy, can I send him to Aaron for some sort of bootcamp/training?

  3. Awwwwwww...

    Also, YOU'RE A BLONDE.

  4. Wow. All I can say is Wow.

  5. Very cute. Aren't moccasins in the snow.. uncomfortable? Is it like.. you forget to change your shoes indoors to outdoor shoes? *ponder*.

  6. wow. that is the best thing ever. truly. what a sweetheart you have there ang. must be something in the genes. ;)

  7. I think you found a winner there.

  8. oh my gosh - great guy alert. Nice job, Aaron.

  9. p.s. My husband tends to buy 'safe' presents, so...not clothing. Anyways, he bought the movie Loving Leah, a Hallmark one. Anyways, very good, and SO cute. Wish it was based on a book, but it's a play instead.

  10. That sweet. Setting the bar pret-ty high, my friend.

  11. Aww. That is too sweet! :)

  12. Michelle W, *grin* he's stuck all right.

    Martha, Aaron's laughing as I type this. I'll see he makes himself available for consultations when the time comes. ;)

    Diana, LOL. The thing is my sister-in-law is a hairdresser and I'm chronically restless. This results in my hair changing frequently and with little notice.

    Carrie, that's what I said, too!

    Janice, hehe, it's complicated. Or maybe it's not. Maybe it's as simple as I refuse to submit to the elements. I don't know. I get attached to particular pairs it is complicated after all. lol.

    Alicia, they give good gift, the Thompsons do.

    Michelle, pretty much a bullseye.

    Raspberry, lol. Clothing can definitely be nerve wracking to give. I hadn't heard of Loving Leah but it sounds adorable. Will have to check it out.

    Dannie, I wonder if he realizes that...hehe.

    Katy, yeah, I have to agree with you.

  13. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Awww is pretty much the only thing to say, right? A poem and an extremely cute pair of shoes. That's awesome. I wish I could be even half that cool when it came to thinking of gifts for my sweetie. The poor guy never gets anything cool from me because I suck at cool gift ideas. Maybe I'll sign up for Aaron's bootcamp, too.

  14. First, it's true, you're footwear is often inappropriate! Second, that guy sounds far too cool to be my brother, and yet i'm so proud. And Thirdly, I want those shoes. :) But you deserve them more.

  15. Insert heartfelt "Awwwww..." here.

    And what great shoes!

  16. I'm with you girl.....flip flops are year round footwear. Ok so 2 things that are vitally important

    1. Aaron has fabulous taste in shoes....super cute.

    2. I love the new picture.....if I've said it once I've said it 100 are so flippin photogenic. It doesn't hurt that you are super cute and can wear ANY hairstyle.


  17. Awww, that's so sweet! And yes to wearing flip flops all the time! But then again, I live in Manila - appropriate flip flops weather all the time.

  18. How lovely! I'm impressed with a man who is confident enough to purchase his gal some shoes!

  19. Not a fan of romance, but even I got a little tear in my eye.

  20. What Lenore said: word by word.



  21. Truly one of the most romantic things I have ever heard.

  22. How sweet - and those shoes are adorable. I have a soft spot for shoes with buckles on the front. :P

  23. Nikki, lol, I'll tell him he's got a list of people interested. He'll be embarrassed, no doubt. :) I know, I wish I were more creative all the time.

    Liza, you deserve them just as much. Of course you do. :)

    frootjoos, lol. Yeah, I'm likin' them.

    Liz, hehe, I'm glad you liked the new pic. Had to change it up, you know?

    Chachic, sounds lovely, my dear. It's cold and yucky here right now. I'm dreaming of flip flop weather.

    Natasha, so was I! He really killed it this year.

    Lenore, awww...

    Ana, *grin*

    Christine, he really is quite sweet.

    Suey, :)

    Jenny, I'm kind of a fan of buckles as well.

  24. For the record, (now that this post has slipped off the first page) had Aaron known this poem would be posted online he would have spent more than 8 seconds on it. He would even have considered a second draft. But, She was almost home and he wanted it to be waiting for her.


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