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Upon Finishing Peter Pan

In the Big Bed

WILL: Why did it call the children heartless?
ANGIE: I think it meant they were able to leave their families, forget about it all, and fly away with Peter.
WILL: *nods* I would.
ANGIE: I can't imagine being able to resist.

On the way into bed

ANGIE: You're not going to fly out the window tonight if Peter comes while I'm sleeping, are you?
WILL: I hope so!
ANGIE: Well, I'll be sure to leave the window open for you just in case. So you can come back.
WILL: It's a deal, Mommy.

WILL: *snuggles up in his bed and goes to sleep*
ANGIE: *sobs quietly into her pillow*



  1. Oh!
    I can't wait until my kid is old enough for something besides Goodnight Gorilla. :)

  2. Awww! You're such a good mommy!

  3. Oh man that is heart wrenching and so cute at the same time!

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    That was such a wonderful reaction to Will's "I would" Angie. I do not have children, but I understand the sobs.


  5. Angie, you're such a good mom. I wouldn't have had the strength to say what you did. I would have surely made him sleep in my bed that night and locked all of the windows. ;)

  6. *sob* Still, beautiful...I can't wait.

  7. What a beautiful tale from your life, Angie!

  8. Aww, what a lucky little boy he is to have you as a mom. This is so sweet.

  9. *sigh* Once again Daddy is crying before noon on a Monday. So manly. So composed.

  10. Love this post; inspired me to come out of lurkdom, even. It's bittersweet, isn't it, watching them flex their wings. Mine are at Camp Grandma for a couple of days and while it's nice to have some adult "alone" time and it's good they're both confident enough to be away a couple of days (first time for the four 1/2 year old), it's also sad.
    Thanks for sharing. Gotta start Peter Pan with my seven year old next. I'll be prepared for the sniffles.

  11. Raspberry, lots to look forward to. :)

    Reenie, lol, well if frequency of tears shed is any indication...

    Liza, my thoughts exactly. *sigh*

    Karen, oh man. It was a heart wrenching evening.

    Christine, hehe. I know the feeling.

    Elizabeth, lol. You know.

    Ladybug, I've been trying to include a few more of those here on the blog.

    CJ, he definitely handled it better than I did. Though he was heartbroken when he realized Wendy forgot how to fly and the Lost Boys grew up.

    Aaron, *grin* I love you.

    zee, hey, thanks for delurking! Nice to know there are others out there. It's incredibly bittersweet and your emotions feel almost always twisted up. But it's such a moving experience. And I know what you mean about the good and the bad of it. I hope you enjoy Peter Pan with your 7-year-old. I definitely should have had a tissue on hand. :)

  12. Should not read this while I'm coursing with pregnancy hormones. SOB!

  13. Awww, another beautiful post about your Peter Pan reading. You're such a wonderful mom!

  14. Janssen, LOL. I'm sorry! I've been there.

    Chachic, the problem now is I have no idea what to follow it up with...

  15. ((((Angie))))

    You are a wise, wise woman.

    And you'll keep that window open when he does fly away--he'll come back to visit, and he'll never forget he *can*

    Thank you for reminding us of that.

  16. Goodness, my little Peter is never allowed to get that big. It's gonna happen way too fast.

  17. azteclady, thanks for the hugs. And the very kind words.

    Michelle, oh dear, I foresee some sobbing in your future... :)

  18. *sob* I shall remember that response though, just perfect


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