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YA Fantasy Showdown

Something is going down. Something big.

How would you like to see Edward duke it out against Hermione? Or Katniss and Katsa? Well, guess what? You can, in the first ever YA Fantasy Showdown. In celebration of Suzanne Collin’s final book in the Hunger Games trilogy, a group of bloggers are pitting some of the best-known characters in YA in the ultimate showdown. And you get to pick the winner.

That’s right. You read the battles, evaluate the characters, and vote for who has the honor of moving on to the next round. It’s a tournament like you’ve never seen before (because there’s more). The authors have been asked to participate and advocate their character in writing their own version of the battle. It’s going to be truly epic. Or at least a good way to pass the time until Mockingjay comes out. It all goes down tomorrow--August 10th.

Personally I am of the opinion that Katsa will wipe the floor with Edward Cullen's pretty face. These two are paired up in the first round, along with other excellent matches, including Sabriel & Eragon (Go Sabriel!), Aerin & Astrid (OhmygoodnessIdon'tknowwhotocheerfor), Westley & Eugenides (Gen FTW!), and Alanna & Meliara (I love you both, but we all three know Alanna is going to kick your trash, Mel). Just the thought of it makes me giddy. There will even be stats and a mock battle for each match up. So be sure to stop in tomorrow, vote, and watch it all play out in all its delicious violence glory.

Thanks to Heather Zundel for putting it all together and cluing me in on the awesome!


  1. i am sort of sad that i'm going to miss this epic battle. sigh. i'll have to see how it all panned out when i get back. Sounds awesome though!

  2. i think edward will just stand there sparkling like a disco ball until katniss decides she is bored with his piano playing and cuts off his head with her pinky toenail. so, he will basically last all of three minutes.

  3. Ooooh this looks like an awesome event! I can't wait for it to start. Katsa will definitely beat Edward, no doubt about it. We're rooting for the same people! Sabriel, Aerin (because I haven't read Rampant, GEN, and yes Alanna even though I also love Mel.

  4. Anonymous11:36 PM

    No way! This is hilarious! Thanks for letting us know about it.

  5. Alicia, oh, that's right. Well, we'll be sure to update you when you get back. :)

    D Swizzle, LOL. Exactly the way I see it.

    Chachic, it's hard to root for one of the As over the other mostly because they're both such kick-a** heroines, utterly dedicated to their craft. And I'm really looking forward to Astrid's further adventures in ASCENDANT. But I do have a whole lot of years of love for Aerin leaning me in that direction. Lady Aerin, Dragon Killer. Awesome.

    Tiah, isn't it? I love it when people get these great ideas and see them through.

  6. Been doing my voting today and I love that they've written cross over fan fiction describing how the battles might go. And no killing of Hermionie, just bookish distraction is great.

  7. Jodie, I'm glad you've been over there voting. I hope you voted for Gen! ;)

    Go Hermione!

  8. I'm loving this! And right there with Jodie, no killing off Hermione! Such a genius idea.


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