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2010 Cybils

It's a little difficult to believe, but it's that time of year again. The Cybils are right around the corner and the panelists and judges have been announced. This will be my third outing working on a panel for the Cybils and I couldn't be more pleased to be a part of such a wonderful endeavor. This year I'll be happily serving on the first round panel for the young adult science fiction and fantasy categoryHere's our team this year--a very fine one I must say:

Steve Berman, Guys Lit Wire
Tanita Davis, Finding Wonderland
Leila Roy, Bookshelves of Doom
Sheila Ruth, Wands and Worlds
Angie Thompson, Angieville
Hallie Tibbetts, Undusty New Books
Heather Zundel, Secret Adventures of WriterGirl

Nominations get going in a little less than a month now. What books will you be looking to nominate this year? For my part, I can't wait to get started. Let the deluge begin!


  1. wow Angie, thats amazing! I'm trying so hard to try and think up a book that falls in that category and not coming up with much. I did however really really love Mistwood, such amazing writing.

  2. I loved Cold Magic - that would get my vote! I'm looking forward to seeing which books get nominated!

  3. Oooh you're a Cybils panelist! How fun! It must take a lot of work though. I can't imagine how many books you have to read and discuss for this.

  4. That's so brilliant that your a panelist! I hope you enjoy it :)

    I'm a new follower, by the way...I found your blog at Amelia (Imagination in Focus). Have a great weekend :)

  5. I saw on their blog that you were going to be a panelist. And first round again? Lots of reading till you drop right? Best of luck!!

  6. Aw I wish I'd been able to participate this year. It really stinks that I can't. But at least I know you guys are on it! I'll be happily reading your reviews and seeing what happens!

  7. Congratulations! I hear it's a lot of fun and hard work. I'm excited to be on the judging panel for YA!

  8. Congratulations Angie! This should be your category!

  9. Congratulations! You definitely need to be on this panel! (As well as the others, just an awesome set of reviewers!)

    I'm so excited to be judging for the Picture Book category for the first time this year. I have no idea what to expect exactly, but I know what I want to nominate! :o)

  10. Carla, Mistwood's a great choice! Should definitely be nominated.

    Heather, me too. I love watching all the nominations roll in.

    Chachic, lol. Yeah. The Round 1 panelists end up reading A LOT of books. I'm rolling up my sleeves as we speak...

    Melissa, wonderful! So happy you stopped by. I'm very excited to participate again this year. Will keep you guys posted on the progress.

    Michelle, that about sums it up. Will try not to drop on any hard surface this time. hehe.

    Sami, I wish you could too! It was great fun last year working with you.

    Michelle, woo-hoo! I'm excited for you, too. It's a ton of work but very, very satisfying on the whole.

    Em, thanks! I'm happy to be involved again. Such great people.

    1stdaughter, it is a great set. I love each of the other judges. I'm so glad you're on the picture book category this year. You are going to LOVE it! I already know what I want to nominate in that category as well. :)

  11. Every year I consider applying to be a panelist, but living abroad makes it too difficult for me to get the books. Have fun!

  12. Lenore, you would love it. I'm sorry the distance thing is a factor. I'll try to have enough fun for the both of us. lol.


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