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The Hunger Games Trailer

Oh. Holy. Crap.


  1. I know! It looks so good. :) I've loved sharing it with my students all day today. Nothing better than proving to them, once again, that almost every fabulous movie actually came from a great book!

  2. I KNOW. Jennifer Lawrence is perfect!! When she screams out "I volunteer!" I just get the chills!

  3. I almost cried when I first watched this trailer! Loved it :)

  4. I really, really, really, (and many times over) hope it doesn't suck.

    Not a fan of whoever it is they picked for Gale and Peeta.

  5. Oh my gosh!!! So good! That is so weird that it looks exactly how I pictured it in my head.

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    haha, i'm with the 'almost' criers. Watched it at least 5 times already, here to say I still have to fight back the waterworks toward the end of the trailer

  7. I'm with the full on criers. This looks like it's going to be spectacular.

    I don't understand all the people who are whining about the casting. People always whine about the casting until they see the movie and then they get over it. Personally, I think the casting is perfect. No, it's not who I saw "in my head." But how can it be?

  8. I've watched this 3x in the past 24 hours. I'd watch it more but the phones keep ringing at work. :D I'm very excited for this movie!

  9. Seriously, I am just SO happy with it. Gale, especially, is very similar to how I pictured him.

  10. This movie looks awesome. I am excited to see it.

    It even inspired me to create a list of upcoming YA Fantasy book based movies on my blog!

    The Hunger Games made my list!

  11. Very excited! I'm dressing up this time as the real hero, which everyone knows of course...

  12. Becky, oh, I hadn't thought of that! Good for you. I bet that's been a blast.

    Sandy, I really think she is as well. Can't wait to see her in action.

    Mari, gives you chills, doesn't it?

    Laura, me, too. Me, too.

    Alexa, lol!

    Camie, does it? That's awesome, I love that! I really think it looks spectacular.

    librarian, lol. I hear ya. It's going to be very emotional.

    Diana, exactly. I just put aside what my mental images from the book and give the film its own chance to wow me. And frankly I'm already wowed. So exciting!

    Alicia, hehe. No shame. I'm about to watch it again right now. :)

    Janssen, I love hearing that. And I'm glad. Can't wait to see the full length film.

    R.J., it really does. I'll have to check out your list for sure. Sounds great.

    Matt, LOL. Haymitch, right? ;)

  13. I thought I was just hormonal and pregnant, cause I shed full on tears too, but I guess that's the norm! I was not expecting that flood of emotion!

  14. Aww dammit it looks really good!

  15. Liza, I completely understand. That brief shot of Rue killed me.

    Holly, right?!

  16. I was seriously on the fence with going to the theater to see this (I loathe the theater) but man, now I don't know how I can avoid it. Still bummed on the Lenny Kravitz casting but I'll have to learn to deal.


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