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Best of 2011

It's New Year's Eve, and I've managed to compile my best of 2011 list. I've come to realize I don't really believe in top tens. They're so limiting. When have I ever been able to fit anything I love into an even ten? So here are my top 14 favorite books of the year.

Best of 2011
(in order of publication)

FYI, that's 3 urban fantasies, 4 contemporaries, 2 historicals, 1 fantasy, 1 mystery, 1 magical realism, 1 post-apocalyptic, and 1 scifi.

Best New Discovery of 2011
Sarra Manning
I took Sabrina of About Happy Books' word for it and ordered both Unsticky and You Don't Have to Say You Love Me on a whim. I waited impatiently for them arrive from across the pond, and I literally did not resurface for days after. And now? Now I will read anything she writes. Just . . . anything.

Biggest Character Crush of 2011
Alan Ryves

So maybe he was my crush from last year. So what?

Biggest Author Crush
Sarah Rees Brennan
I can't tell you how many laughs I've had this year because of this woman. She is active on all my favorite social media sites, and she could write cereal box copy that would have me in stitches. Not only does she write books and characters that fill me with the feelings, but she is also the dispenser of wicked good book recommendations. What more can a devoted reader ask?

Best Books I Read in 2011, Which Were Published a Different Year

Bachelor Boys by Kate Saunders

Happy New Year!


  1. I hear nothing but excellent things about Scorpio Races; I am dying to get my fingers on it!

  2. Thank you so much, Angie, for including HOUSE OF SILENCE in your end-of-year round-up. What a great start to 2012! :-)

    Happy New Year to you.

  3. Great list - somewhat incredibly, I've never read ANY of them, although Scorpio Races and The Duff are high on my 'to read' list.

    Mine is at YA Yeah Yeah if you'd like to take a look.

  4. Yay for The Scorpio Races! It really is such a lovely book. I can't wait to read I'll Be There and I'm so happy I already have a copy of the beautiful hardcover. I have to thank you for pushing Unsticky. I remember reading your review for that and wanting to get a copy ASAP. Like you, I'm planning to read all of Sarra Manning's books.

    Happy New Year, Angie! :) I'm starting 2012 by reading Silent on the Moor and then Nine Coaches Waiting with Holly on Tuesday.

  5. I have got to get around to Scorpio Races and Warm Bodies. I have copies of both and just haven't picked them up. Blah.

  6. Happy New Year, Angie! Sounds like you read some great books this year. That reminds me I still haven't read River Marked yet and I really want to!

  7. I'm just tickled that CHILDREN OF SCARABAEUS is on the list. :) Must read Sarah Rees Brennan. Must read Kristen Higgins.

  8. hmmm....I suspet you picked your best books for color coordination purposes! They look so lovely!

  9. HECKS YEAH on Raw Blue! Fabulous list overall :) looks like 2011 was a good year for you!

  10. Oh YES to Alan Ryves and to Sarah Rees Brennan. I can't wait for Unspoken!

  11. What a great list!

    Happy 2012!

  12. This whole blog post made me grin like a loon because YES! YES! and YES! you are quite right about everything.

  13. I love your best of list so much - it reminded me why I always rely on your recommendations!

    Also, Sarra Manning was hands down my favorite discovery of the year as well. I can't wait for her new release in February!

  14. L.L, you must not wait. It is every kind of awesome there is. That is all.

    Linda, absolutely my pleasure. Thank you for such good reading material. :)

    YA Yeah, ooh thanks. I'll check yours out. Hope you enjoy those two when they come up in your queue.

    Chachic, Happy New Year to you, too! Sounds like you've got some good books in store. UNSTICKY really was a standout, wasn't it? So glad it came our way.

    Janssen, THE SCORPIO RACES is special. Can't wait to hear what you think.

    Sabrina, me, too. I have you to thank. Discovering her was like a godsend. And I'm tickled you enjoyed THE DUFF. I read it at exactly the right time. Loved those two kids so much.

    Kristen, Happy New Year! It was a good reading year for sure. RIVER MARKED is great. Especially if you love Mercy/Adam. And who doesn't?

    Janice, oh, it is SO on the list. I'm so happy to have some good scifi on there this year. And you can probably predict my reaction to the fact that you have not yet read SRB. I will spare you the freakout and just give you the beady eye . . . get crackin'!

    Charlotte, *grin*. I have my husband to thank for the pretty, pretty picture. He's got skillz.

    bb, RAW BLUE FTW! I am so looking forward to rereading that one.

    Alexa, neither can I. I am pining for it as I sit here and type. PINING.

    Michelle, and to you!

    Carla, hehe. You loon, you.

    Allison, awwww. Wasn't Manning divine? I'm with you. Cannot WAIT for her next release.

  15. I haven't actually read too many of these, but have several on my tbr list to get to eventually!

    Happy new year.

  16. I'm such a slacker for not commenting on this sooner, but heck yes to so many of the books you posted here (and for introducing them to me as well!). Love UNSTICKY, SCARABAEUS books, SCORPIO RACES (swoon!), and MAGIC SLAYS. Oh dear, I feel some rereads coming on...


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