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Playing Along

Christine over at The Happily Ever After recently posted the following meme, and for some reason I copied the questions over and set out to answer them. There's no accounting for what pulls me into filling out one of these, but the always-genuine Christine is likely a big part of this one. Also, it had been awhile, and I liked her questions. So.

1. What is your favorite genre to read?
Um. Except for this first one. This first one is hard. If I take a look at my beloved bookshelf, it does look as though the majority of my favorite books do fall under the (very) broad category of fantasy. Historicals and contemporaries after that.

2. What is the first romance novel you ever read and how old were you when you read it? 

I come late to the game to this genre. The first romance novel I read was on a dare. It was Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase, and I was 31. It was, sadly, not love at first sight. But we parted friends, and I have since gone on several memorable dates with romance novels. I plan on pursuing the relationship.

3. How many books--paper or ebooks--are in your existing TBR pile?
I believe there are upwards of 75 books teetering on my TBR just now. Don't judge.

4. Do you read nonfiction? If so, from which sub-genre?
The short answer to this question is: not for pleasure, no. With the occasional notable exception.

5. Do you own an e-reading device? If so, which one(s)?
I have a Nook Touch and my husband has a Kindle, and that pretty much sums up our relationship right there.

6. Which one book have you re-read most often? 
It's gotta be a tie between The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and The High King. Those two books are my childhood.

7. How many library books do you have out right now?
That would be 8. And those don't even figure into my TBR. I may have a problem.

8. How do you mark your place in a book?
With literally whatever I have at hand, though ticket stubs and cards my son has made me are particular favorites. 

9. About how many books do you typically read in a month? 
Between 10 and 12, I'd say. Which only goes to show how far behind in my reviewing I've gotten these days. Must do better.

10. What was the last book that made you cry?
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. No surprise there.

11. What was the last book that made you laugh?

The Fault in Our Stars by  John Green. And that's why I love his books. He makes me feel all the real feelings, and, like a good piece of music, he does it with such beautiful transitions. 

And you?


  1. I have a nook touch, and my husband has a kindle. And yes, it totally sums up our relationship.

  2. These are some fun questions.

    1. I thought so, too, Jenny. I love reading the answers to questions like these from my favorite bloggers.

  3. Oh fun questions. I am glad I'm not alone in using any old thing as a book mark - I aspire to use beautiful bookmarks but I currently have a railway ticket :)

    And you've made my tower of 19 books seem quite tiny :)

    1. I love using tickets. Reminds me of a good time or a good trip every time I open the book.

  4. "He makes me feel all the real feelings." Love that. And wait, only 75? That's how many I have on my recently acquired floor spot. There's at least 100 plus on the actual shelf. So, it could be worse. I will never ever catch up to my TBR pile Ever.

    1. Lol. Glad I don't have the most towering pile of all!

  5. I love memes! I filled it out, too:

    1. Awesome! Heading over to check it out.

  6. Oh yay, you played!! Thank you!! :D

    I was already planning to buy and read The Fault of Our Stars, but the fact that it made you laugh AND cry is truly wonderful. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks for posting the meme, Christine! I had fun doing it.

      And I think it's a safe bet you'll enjoy TFioS. It's lovely.

  7. Fun meme! I'll may have to fill it out too. I'm jealous of your BRM (books read per month). I seem to only be able to read 8 max and that's if I push myself.

    1. You should! I enjoyed the one you did today. If only my reviewing kept up with my reading . . .

  8. Okay, even though everyone (myself included) seems to be a little embarassed by filling out these memes, I really love getting to know everyone a little bit better through them.

    There are some particularly delicious insights about you here, Angie, as I am a relatively recent devotee to your blog. Shockingly, I've never heard of THE HIGH KING and must remedy that. And there are no judgments here on library books or that teetering TBR pile!

    Oh, and a final Hear! Hear! on the John Green sentiments.

    1. Jess, I so agree.

      So THE HIGH KING is the fifth and final book in Lloyd Alexander's wonderful Chronicles of Prydain. It won the Newbery and it (the entire series) is extremely close to my heart. Start with THE BOOK OF THREE and go from there.

      I <3 John Green. Always have. Always will.


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