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To Notebook or Not to Notebook . . .

. . . that is the question.

All right. I realize I may be asking for it here, but I'm gonna go ahead and, well, ask for it. I have never seen The Notebook. I've never read it either, for that matter. Truthfully, I'm not all that interested in losing my Nicholas Sparks virginity. And I've always sort of scoffed at the movie for being over-the-top sappy and whatnot . . . with the kiss . . . in the rain . . . and that beard. But I recently watched this little clip:

And it kind of makes me want to run out and watch the source material, yeah?

So give it to me straight. The Notebook (the movie): yay or nay?


  1. Nay, I guess. Granted, The Notebook was probably the least favorite of the Nicholas Sparks books that I read, and thus I think I was relatedly unimpressed by the movie. Have you considered watching A Walk to Remember? Pretty YA, yes, but I enjoyed it a lot, and still like to watch it occasionally for the sap and the, erm, eye candy?

  2. Oh my gosh, NO! Such a sap fest. Everyone else out there seems to like it. Though, I see Steph Su didn't. Yay!

  3. Oh, I loved it (and Mark did too, although he will deny that)! It is a bit sappy, but there was real tenderness and charm. Not a huge Nicholas Sparks fan myself, but I did like this one--and A Walk to Remember as well. After those two he lost me.

  4. I'm wondering the same thing. I've never read or watched it and have always wanted to. I wonder if this is one of those instances where the book would be better than the movie? I think Sparks' books are largely stupid, but they always manage to make me cry, even if I roll my eyes at most of it.

  5. I agree with Step Su. Notebook was a big Nay for me. Too cheesy , too sappy and overboard on emotional drama. Avoid if you can . But Walk To Remember was a very sweet movie and it does have some of my favorite dialogues. Plus the casting was so appropriate. Give that one a try :)

  6. You haven't seen The Notebook? It's so sweet! I say yea to both The Notebook and A Walk to Remember. But I can take a larger dose of sappiness in movies compared to books. :)

  7. Kerry1:37 AM

    Oh I am a huge YAY. I am not a Nicholas Sparks fan at all, but while 'The Notebook' is kind of sappy, both Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams are awesome and so much fun to watch. It's over the top and soapy, but an excellent flick for when you're home sick.

  8. I don't know. I haven't yet read any Nicholas Sparks books, but the movie was okay. I agree that A Walk to Remember was actually quite good. I am seriously contemplating going to see The Lucky One at the cinema which I never thought I would actually say.

  9. Ryan and Rachel have awesome chemistry in this. I say YAY despite the sappiness.

  10. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I've never read The Notebook, and I don't see myself reading it in the near future (Nicholas Sparks's books are in my TBR pile indefinitely) but I watched this movie and I have to say: YAY. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have awesome chemistry, like what Lenore said. I didn't feel the need to read the book anymore after I watched it.

  11. I hate Nicholas Sparks books. But I do like The Notebook - because Ryan and Rachel are fantastic together and I actually didn't find it sad (everyone says I'm crazy and that it makes them cry but I think it's sappy, yes, but not upsetting). The book is dreadful. I also like the film A Walk to Remember (although that one is sad).

  12. meenu8:46 AM

    It's sappy, but the good kind of sappy. At least for a one-time watch. I did try reading the book, but Sparks' writing style isn't up my alley, so I left it (and this is coming from a huge Books>Movie Adaptations believer).

    Just watch it for the chemistry between Ryan and Rachel!

  13. I haven't read the book but I LOVED the movie. It's honestly my favorite movie and I cry everytime I watch it... I have the bluray at home, I may just watch it today =P

  14. I loved this movie so much! It came out when I was a Senior in high school and I rented it with my HS boyfriend. I think he wanted to make out a bit but I was so absorbed in the movie I completely ignored him lol. I used up a whole box of tissues I cried so much. I think it's fantastic (yes it's sappy but who cares!)

  15. Do not read, but the movie is fun, and Sparks' DVD commentary of the movie is one of my fave DVD commentaries of all time.

  16. I honestly don't think I've watched this whole movie beginning to end in one sitting. I always catch it on tv and watch parts of it. It's good - but only because of the chemistry between Ryan and Rachel. I love those two. I don't think you're missing much....

  17. Hey Girl, I only got one thing to say to you: R-to-the-G. (Um... that's Ryan Gosling.)

    Watch the film, forget the book. It IS super over-the-top sappy, but strangely watchable and nicely made. Also, *cough*Ryan Gosling*cough*


  18. I quite enjoy The Notebook movie but while I liked the book when I first read it, in probably 7th grade, I would hate it now. Honestly, I'd say: just watch this clip (over and over again)-one of my faves that always makes me smile!

  19. I am like you. I have never seen the movie or read the book. I don't think I would enjoy Nicholas Sparks stuff.

  20. Ok, I totally get the Nicholas sparks thing. I've only read one book and probably won't read any more of his, BUT come on!!!!! If Ryan Gosling doesn't give you enough of an excuse to watch the movie, you will fall in love all over again with James Garner in the movie......JAMES GARNER. Come on Ang, do it for me. Cheesiness and all, it is worth it. I don't usually give you advice because I am usually taking yours on what to watch and read, but I feel confident that you should give it a chance. I am not afraid to admit that I loved this movie.

  21. Well, I loathe Nicholas Sparks, and the movie itself is very over-the-top sappy. BUT. Having found a love for Ryan Gosling, I can appreciate it a little bit more now than I did when I first watched (and hated) it. It's a fun movie to watch with friends and giggle at the silly things, as well as say "aw" to Ryan Gosling and admire Rachel McAdams' period clothing.

  22. I was going to say NO, since I rather dislike Nicholas Sparks' brand of 'romance' (why does he think that killing one of the protagonists is romantic?) but apparently I must watch Ryan Goslling.


    You let me know what you think.

  23. Well, if you don't see it, you'll never know. If you're wondering, you might as well watch it, even if just to discover either that you weren't missing out on anything (which was my experience) or that the Notebook is your new favourite movie (which has been other people's.) I've seen a couple of Nicholas Sparks adaptations and found them quite unmemorable - but then I'm not one for the mushy stuff. Give it a try.

  24. I am a mushy, sappy cry at engagement ring commercials kind of girl, and so I LOVED the movie The Notebook. But, I think Sparks' books are crap and the movie was WAY better than the book. So, I say YAY to watching the film.

  25. NAY! I thought the movie was way overrated and it stunted my Ryan Gosling love (only recently discovered when I watched Crazy, Stupid, Love). I generally avoid anything by or derived from anything by Nicholas Sparks. And I love a good melodrama.

  26. Denise4:57 PM

    Don't do it!! The Notebook is the only NS book I've read. Did NOT like it. The story is contrived, overly sappy, and not well written. How does a man who writes so badly sell so many books? I did not see the movie and have never read another one of his books since.

  27. Ask yourself this: "Does this movie have Ryan Gosling in it?"

    When you break it down to what is fundamentally important it makes the decision much easier. The answer is YES, this movie DOES have Ryan Gosling in it therefore you watch it.

    It's crap really- I mean it's Nicolas Sparks. It's nothing but drippy gooey sap and mush and I CRIED LIKE A BIG SNOTTY BABY. But if we started basing our fictional crushes on whether or not the story or the writing have merit- we wouldn't love Ranger or Morelli.

  28. Confession: I had a big crush on Ryan Gosling in high school when he was in Remember the Titans. Weird, I know. Anyway, despite my major crush on him (which has since faded to make way for my current Christian Bale crush), I did not like this movie. Nope, not one bit. I don't know what it was about it. I think I just don't like movies that portray infidelity as okay. If you love someone else, BREAK up with the other person. Yes, I think that gets to the heart of it.

  29. I'd say go for it! There are few books I regret reading! Neither is going to change your life, but they are worth a couple hours of your to
    E. ;)

  30. I haven't read the book, but I just recently (within the last few months) watched the movie and LOVED IT! I have since become more obsessed with Ryan Gosling :) I watched that clip after I saw the good *sigh*

  31. I love the movie! LOVE IT.

    But seriously, listen to me when I say avoid that man's books like the plague. He is the only author I actively encourage people NOT to read.

  32. That clip is all kinds of awesome!I remember how everyone talked about it for days. I think I like it more than the movie:) Why not give the book a try? If it stinks at least you can say your finally lost your N. Sparks virginity:)

  33. I have seen the movie. It is sappy, and I wouldn't watch it again, but it wasn't SO horrible that I would tell someone not to watch it. I'm for watching it just so that you know what everyone else saw, you know? I'm with Stephsu in that I prefer A WALK TO REMEMBER too. I would watch that again. Even though it's just as sappy, the ending didn't make my eyes roll all about the place the way THE NOTEBOOK did.

  34. I've been debating this question for the past year or so. I think I'm going to just dive into this movie. I mean, I like the actors so why not?

  35. DON'T DO IT. I read the book and the movie and I was an idiot. :P

  36. Oh wow, look at all these comments! I remember I read the book and watched the movie but can't remember the details anymore. Hmm maybe it would be fun if you make a girls night out of it? :P Invite girlfriends over and then watch The Notebook and A Walk to Remember.

  37. I've never read anything by Sparks or seen any of the movies, and I think I'll just keep it that way.

  38. I've actually seen the movie and I actually liked it. I mean it wasn't the worst movie out there,but it wasn't the best. Give it a try you might like it.

  39. Wow, guys. Way to come through for a girl in need! Currently leaning toward watching it. It's just . . . Ryan Gosling! With the ridiculously charming? And the making it impossible not to love him? Gah. Perhaps I'll live tweet my viewing? Hm.


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