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My Local Indie

When I first moved to Utah from California, it felt in many ways as though I was moving away from the "action," if you will. For better or worse, so many events take place in southern California. I only lived there for a few years, but in that time period there really was never a dull moment. And I worried that I would be cut off from my favorite author tours, concerts, etc. And for awhile that felt true. Happily, in recent years, my local libraries and my local indie bookstore, The King's English, have been coming through for me big time, reeling in fabulous authors for signings, presentations, and other various and sundry gatherings.
In a few days, I get to attend one such shindig sponsored by The King's English, featuring Robin LaFevers, author of the crazy good His Fair Asssassin series. Superbly written historical fantasy is my kryptonite (okay, one of them), and I loved Grave Mercy something fierce. It's probably worth mentioning that I am in the middle of the sequel, Dark Triumph, as I type this, and it is absolutely knocking my socks off. So I'm more than a little thrilled to get to meet Ms. LaFevers in person and tell her so. Have you read Grave Mercy? Did you love it, too? I mean, assassin nuns, yeah. But also court intrigue! I die of the awesome. A total keeper for me. If you find yourself in the market for a copy, you can order a signed one from my local indie here. So tell me, what was the last author event you attended and what did you think? Were you as tongue-tied as I usually am?


  1. *Insert jealous sigh here* I sure do miss all those events, though Changing Hands down here in AZ does a lot. It's just so far from me I can't make it to many of them. Hope you can speak eloquently when you meet her!

    1. I bet you do. We're spoiled for sure. I've heard such good things about Changing Hands, I'd love to go someday. But it stinks you're not quite close enough!

  2. Lucky you! I have Grave Mercy (yes it is great) but haven't yet read Dark Triumph. I um kinda spent more money on books recently than I should have. Waiting on birthday money to kick in now. I live near a great independent bookstore--Anderson Bookshop. So, I'm able to meet great authors. I'd better check the schedule to see if Robin will appear here.

    1. Lol. I have experience with that problem. Love birthday money! I hope she stops by your way. I really am so excited to meet her because I loved, loved GRAVE MERCY.

  3. Well I saw Maggie Stiefvater in London last year and got so tongue tied I didn't actually say anything to her. She said "Have you read the book?" and I said, "Yes, it was very good." Honestly! This was about The Scorpio Races, a book I adored! One of my favourite books of all time. Maybe one day I can meet Philip Pullman and say "Yeah His Dark Materials, it was okay."

    I have Grave Mercy on my TBR list, glad you're enjoying the sequel.

    1. LOL. Isn't it the truth?! What is our problem? At the same time, I have no interest in sitting around trying to work out what to say. I want to be spontaneous and loquacious. Is that really too much to ask?

      Def. read it, Alexa! Simply lovely.

  4. Oh, that sounds like fun. I should drive down and go. Grave Mercy was so much fun. Is Dark Triumph better? I'm on the wait list at the library but I could probably give up my spot to someone else and get a signed copy. :)

    1. You should! So far DT is fully living up to its predecessor. I'll let you know if it exceeds it.

  5. I am jealous (but also happy for you) that you got to meet her in person! Hopefully she can come to New York in the next year or two. I don't remember the last author event I went's been that long :/ But I do get tongue-tied and I always feel shy when I say I'm a book blogger.

    1. We bloggers get to experience our fair share of joy/envy for each other, don't we? *sigh* I know. I sure hope she gets to NY soon. I can't imagine she wouldn't. Especially with the way this series is maintaining its quality.

      It's odd, the blogger persona. You never know what people's experience with bloggers is and so I totally feel your shyness. It's easier to meet other bloggers for the first time than it is authors.

  6. Robin LaFevers is coming to town around here too! Alas, I really did not like Grave Mercy, but I do love author readings, so I'm still thinking about going. Gaining perspective, that sort of thing.

    I've seen Tamora Pierce and Kristen Cashore, and both were great. I'm too shy to talk, and instead I mentally nudge and encourage everyone else to do so, because great questions can really make all the difference. Was there a lot of good conversation at this one?

    1. Awesome! I know what you mean. I've gone to a few even though I hadn't read their books or liked them, and it's always edifying.

      I've seen Pierce and Cashore as well and ohmygoodnessilovethemsomuch.

      I'll let you know how the conversation goes!

  7. Oh, THAT The King's English bookstore, the one I feel like I read about whenever there's an author event going on in Utah, is your local indie, psh, no big deal. Oh my word that is so great. I actually haven't read Grave Mercy, read the Kindle sample and wasn't sure if the writing style was going to be for me.

    The last author event I intended... Hmm, I don't quite remember, since it's been two years, but I remember seeing Megan McCafferty, Meg Cabot, Maggie Stiefvater, and Libba Bray all within the span of a few weeks. Which is why, of course, I'm sated for the time being. :)

    1. Lol. That's the one. Luck. I haz it.

      Ooh. I know I always say it, Steph, but I'd love your thoughts on Grave Mercy if you ever do wind back around to it . . .

      That is one awesome run of authors. My word.

  8. I read the blurb for Grave Mercy and remember thinking, This is such a ME book!, and then... it got lost in my to-read void. However, knowing the sequel is coming out soon is the kick in the pants I need to start it.

    Where in SoCal did you live? The last author event I went to was for Robin Benway and she was so much fun. I'm hoping the next event I get to is for Jaclyn Moriarty and/or Elizabeth Wein at the LA Times Festival of Books! You should make a special trip back to Cali for it, Angie. :)


    1. Yes! It is a YOU book, Maggie. Read it you must.

      I lived in San Pedro. Looked out at the view of Catalina Island from my window every day and thought life was good. And it was. :)

      I bet Robin Benway would be a fun event. I was just perusing the lineup for the LA Festival! *sigh* Wish I could make it . . . I'm definitely due for a Cali visit.

  9. I feel like I'll be cheating on my own indie if I order a signed copy but AHHHHH cannot help it, I need it!

    Also, it always seems like there's such cool events in Utah!

    I hope Robin LaFevers' signing goes well.

    1. Ha! I know the feeling. But you really do need it, April. Truuuust me. ;)

      I'm excited to go. Will finish Dark Triumph tonight and have so enjoyed it.

  10. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I loved Grave Mercy, Angie! I hope Dark Triumph arrives next week. I'm so glad to read that you're enjoying it. Hoping to attend some readings while our niece is visiting us from Denmark. She has been studying writing so it seems the perfect thing to do.


    1. Yay! Yeah, it was waaaay up on my anticipated books for the year, so I am savoring it.

      Oh, that sounds lovely. Let me know who you see!

  11. The King's English is an amazing bookstore. I wish we were half as cool out here in Kansas. Enjoy Robing LaFevers. I need to read Dark Triumph. Soon.


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