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Where Everybody Knows Your Name, or Angie's Top Ten Fun Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish

It's hard when someone asks you for a "light, fun" read, isn't it? Often they just want something that won't require them to try too hard, that they can kick back and relax with. I know the feeling. At the same time, I'm always curiously reluctant to label any book as merely light and fun. If I return to them again and again when I need to get away, it's because there's something there. And that something and I are tight. We recognize each other whenever we cross paths. We are supremely happy to see each other again. So, we'll dispense with the light and go with the books that are fun for me. The ones that make me laugh and fill me with the joyful tingles. In alphabetical order:

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green - I laughed so hard within the first few pages, I had to stop and read the entire first chapter aloud to my husband and his family. It wasn't just me. It really is that funny.

All I Ever Wanted by Kristan Higgins - Totally surprised at how much of a comfort read my first Higgins has become. I get such a kick out of characters who are in turn wild about and somewhat appalled by who they fall in love with.

Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie - My, but this book is easy to love.

The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan - I basically run the emotional gambit when I sit down to read a Rees Brennan book. This was my first and you never really get over your first, do you?

Games of Command by Linnea Sinclair - Maverick female captain. Half cyborg admiral. Space opera FTW!

The Hero Strikes Back by Moira Moore - Lee & Taro's fumbling partnership will always make me smile. Still waters run deep.

The Mage's Daughter by Lynn Kurland - Terrifically entertaining, I find myself unconsciously drawing this one out, savoring each and every chapter.

Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean - Ridiculously, ridiculously charming. Such a bright book. 

Rites of Spring (Break) by Diana Peterfreund - Life Savers, abandoned shower stalls, and swim lessons. That is all.

Straight Man by Richard Russo - Another one that is just splendidly hysterical when read aloud. I don't know that I've ever laughed harder when reading. Of course, the humor is matched in heartbreak. But it's worth it. Of course it is.


  1. If I were to do this post, I swear I'd have at least 5 of your books on my list... ALL I EVER WANTED (Swoon!), BET ME (I was just gushing over this with a friend yesterday), DEMON'S LEXICON, GAMES OF COMMAND... All comfort reads. I still need to read the Sarra Manning book tho. You recommend it then?

    1. Yippee. Those five are so good.

      Haaaaaaaaaaang on. Are you talking about UNSTICKY? Are you telling me you haven't read UNSTICKY yet?!!

      Michelle. Tell me you are not telling me that.

    2. Oh goodness. I made a total error. I read 'NINE REASONS TO ROMANCE A RAKE' in your post and for some reason my mind processed 'NINE USES FOR AN EX-BOYFRIEND'. *face palm* My big fat error. Boy, do I feel sheepish. No wonder I thought that an odd choice for this list.

      And. Nooooo. No. I wouldn't dream of telling me you haven't read UNSTICKY. I read it on your wondrous recommendation and loved it (of course). It's sitting on my shelf just waiting to be lent to the next unsuspecting reader. It's the 'ex-boyfriend' one I haven't gotten around to yet. I'm such a dork.

    3. Okay. Okay, phew. You are not a dork. And you have read UNSTICKY and have a copy to lend. So you are golden.

      Of course, you need to run right out and read NINE RULES TO BREAK immediately because it is ever so charming. I highly recommend it. Callie and Gabriel. Yes.

      When it comes to Regency romance, MacLean and Milan are my favorites.

  2. I've only read one on your list - Bet me. Actually I gave up partway through, I guess I found it more annoying than fun.

    1. It's not for everyone, I know. If you don't fall for Min & Cal and the food and her shoes and so on, I totally get giving up partway.

      Hope something else on the list works for you, Carol. :)

  3. I haven't read any of these, but it's good to always have something to turn to when you're not up to reading something heavy. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  4. Straight Man appeals to me but the price...OUCH. I'll put it on my wish list for a rainy day.

    Loved this post!

    1. Yeah, I saw that price. Not ideal.

      Glad you liked it, Sophia!

  5. Ah, Rites of Spring (Break) is an excellent choice.

  6. I've read two of these books--Bet Me and Game of Change. Bet Me is one of my favorite books. I enjoyed reading your introductory paragraph and what made these fun books for you. I think you're right that there is something that makes these books stick with us.

    I enjoyed your list especially since I couldn't think of fun or light books and didn't do a top ten post!

    1. It's one of mine, too, Jan. Just sort of sink into it lovely.

      I saw quite a few people comment today that they had to wrack their brains to come up with light reads. That's quite interesting. I could have put a few more books on this list for sure. But it's true that my main comfort reads are for the most part not exactly light. But boy do they resonate.

  7. I love Bet Me and I read it because you recommended it way back. I have Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake on my TBR and hope to get to it soon.

    1. I'm delighted you loved BET ME, Brandy.

      NINE RULES is too much fun to miss. Can't wait to hear what you think.

  8. All I Ever Wanted was my first Higgins too, and one of hers I go back to again and again.

    I think I own a copy of Games of Command somewhere - I know I have 2-3 of Linnea Sinclair's books if not that one. Sounds like I better get to them!

    1. I can't help myself. I love Callie and Ian. That scene at his house when she first goes to visit him . . . *happiness*

      Games of Command is my favorite Sinclair. It's a standalone. But all of the Dock 5 Universe books are great. Think you'd dig 'em.

  9. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Wow, I so thought for some reason that I would have more books in common with you, Angie, but I've only read one of these - The Demon's Lexicon - and I didn't like it as much as I wanted to, it was a bit disappointing for me. I do have a copy of An Abundance of Katherines but I never knew it was a funny book (I wouldn't have assumed it was heavy!), so that's good to know.

    But seriously, everything else - all the books here that I'm not familiar with - I will totally have to check out because you're really selling them to me! ;)

    1. Lol. I would have thought so as well, Shannon! I could easily have stuck ANNA and LOLA on this list. Love them so. And I laughed my way through the Princess Diaries back in the day. Do you think I'd like SINGLE WHITE VAMPIRE?

      ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES is most definitely a funny book. It's his lightest by far, and it was the first John Green book I ever read. I laughed and laughed. I think you might really love the Secret Society Girl books by Diana Peterfreund. RITES OF SPRING (BREAK) from my list above is the third of those four books. SECRET SOCIETY GIRL is the first. They are smart and funny and wind up to one doozy of an unexpectedly swoony romance.

  10. The only one of these I've read is the Sarah MacLean, which was a lot of fun. I've seen Abundance of Katherines on several lists today. And the Lynn Kurland sounds intriguing.

    1. Oh, I'm glad to hear ABUNDANCE was on several lists. I'm glad he went ahead and wrote a fun book. Can't be drama all the time. ;)

      I do love the Kurland. It's a great trilogy all around, but that middle one is my fave.

  11. I am right there with you on An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. I found myself laughing like crazy. If my family had been around, I would have read it to them too!

    1. Lol. It's too funny not to share. I think I'm due for a re-read rather soon.

  12. Anonymous9:00 AM

    LOL love the title of your post! I really should read Diana Peterfreund's books soon. Games of Command is another one that's on my TBR pile. I wanted to add a Higgins to my list but couldn't decide which one - I like the ones with dual POV more than her earlier novels.

    1. Thanks! It seemed appropriate.

      You really should, you know. The SSG ones are such fun. I think you'd like them.

      I agree. Higgins did a good job with the dual POV, especially in UNTIL THERE WAS YOU. <3 Liam.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Yes, I've had my eye on the SSG series for a while now. I have a feeling I'd want to read them all together when the time comes.

    3. You will. *glee*

  13. Oh The Demon's Lexicon Series is my ultimate go to, fun read, and the SSG are not far behind.

    For some reason Bet Me is calling to me from this list, even though you've said the least about it. I think I'll have to check it out as the last three books i read that were mentioned here have all been winners :)

    1. I somehow thought those would be on your list as well. :)

      I think you'd really like BET ME, Alexa. It's warm and disarmingly charming.

  14. Lots of books I haven't read . . . Games of Command looks really nifty.

    1. If space opera is remotely your thing, it's totally worth a read. The combination of female rogue and stiff-upper-lip half cyborg admiral kind of killed it for me. It's a good re-read. :)

  15. The Kurland almost made my list, as well as Katherines. Please remind me to borrow the Maclean sometime. :)

    1. That Kurland just makes me happy and that's all there is to it. I wish more people knew about the series.

      You're top of the list for the MacLean. ;)

  16. I've read a whopping ONE of these--An Abundance of Katherines. Well, it makes me happy that I have so many comfortable books to check out. Games of Command sounds amazing. So many of my buzzwords in one sentence:)

    1. Well, well, well. Hope you find something else on the list that delights, Flann. Games of Command is much fun. And I think you might like the Peterfreund Secret Society Girl books a lot.

  17. The only book I read on this list is Demon's Lexicon. I've read other books by John Green though. I'll look for the others.

    1. Ooh. I'm eager to see what you try out (when you do). No pressure, of course. :) But . . . I'm eager!

  18. Rites of Spring (Break)! Well, you already know how I feel about that. I've had some hits and misses with Kristan Higgins but I do enjoy the love/hate/love dynamic.

    Whenever I read a beloved, new-to-me author, I always ask for recommendations on where to start because of John Green. My first and only John Green was Will Grayson, and I was so underwhelmed by it. I almost didn't finish it. Because of that, I've been reluctant to try his other books even though I've heard from A LOT of people that Will Grayson isn't representative of his work. It's hard to go back though when there are so many other authors and books to discover. Straight Man, for example, sounds hilarious. The cover is already cracking me up.

    Anyway, I'll make sure to run potential new-to-me authors by you first. ;)


    1. I do. I do know how you feel. *fistbump*

      That's really interesting, Maggie. WILL GRAYSON is the only one of his I haven't read. I'm a bit leery to tell the truth. And I completely agree, so hard to return to an author with a bad taste in your mouth. Ugh.

      STRAIGHT MAN is brilliant.

      As ever, I am at your disposal. ;)


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