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$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

I'm excited today to be giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky reader! 
This giveaway is sponsored by Appliances Online and is open to the US and the UK. To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter letting me know what you'd spend your gift card on--books like me (which ones, which ones) or something else you've had your eye on? The giveaway will run one week from today (6/13). Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd use it towards something for my kitchen, not sure exactly what yet

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  2. Books, definitely. Nothing better than a new book in your hands.

  3. Books! Lots and lots of books! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  4. I'd like to think I'd do something productive with it like buy household supplies, but it'd probably go to books. :)

  5. This is awesome, Ang!

  6. Books, books, books. Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde is probably where I would start.

  7. I would buy sand and sandbox toys for my kids.

  8. I'd use it to buy the new Paleo cookbook and a Barefoot Contessa cookbook because I need to be re-inspired BIG TIME in the kitchen.

  9. Books!!! Or perhaps toward a new bookshelf. But let's face it: probably books! Specifically: It's Complicated: The American Teenager by Robin Bowman ($28!) the Fine edition of Jane Eyre and a graphic novel or two. Thanks for the chance to win, Angie!

  10. I would pre-order the new Louise Penny and I'm not sure what else.

  11. I would totally spend it on Kindle books. I'm a complete book junkie.

  12. Um, yeah books! Like there's anything else on Amazon worth my money? :) Ok, maybe diapers.

  13. hmmm. Probably some new books. OR Ticket to Ride since the husband is still wanting us to get that for our game collection....

  14. not sure what I'll buy but I would definitely get a book or dvd. but there are so many things now at amazon, so it takes a lot to decide.

    hope you have a sweet day.

  15. Cookbooks!! Maybe a magazine subscription, too...

  16. I'd probably get books! Some new-ish releases that I don't have yet, and probably some books for the kiddo, too. We need more Boynton!

  17. books, then some more books!

  18. Books. Maybe a few movies.

  19. I would probably spend it on books without telling my husband :)
    There are a couple romance books I want that the library won't carry, like Lauren Dane's Lush and Shiloh Walker's Wrecked.

  20. Probably a mixture of books--the new Anne Easter Smith, and maybe Marcia Bartusiak's Archives of the Universe--and some Stargate DVDs for total nerd immersion.

  21. Definitely books! And maybe I can finally buy myself a dvd of North & South :D

  22. back to school items- livivua

  23. There are SOOOOO many books that I'd get!!

  24. Angela Y3:58 PM

    I would spend it on a wedding gift for my cousin.

  25. Books, definitely. My wish list is a mile long, and growing every day! I really want Unraveling and Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris - they're so good, like Veronica Mars, Roswell, and Fringe all smashed together into one package - and I need to replace some of my falling-apart Mary Stewarts.

  26. I would spend it on some new summer shoes for my daughter and son! They really need comfortable summer footwear! :)

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  27. The Year Before the Flood--Ned Sublette
    Selected Writings--William Hazlitt
    A Visit to Don Otavio--Sybille Bedford
    and a copy of Thelonious Monk's Solo Monk

  28. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I would spend it on Kindle books. There are a lot of books that I would preorder.
    Sandy L.

  29. Kindle books! So many ideas!
    The Secret Diaries of Charlotte BronteJames
    The Missing Manuscript of Jane Austen
    And Furthermore by Judi Dench
    Catherine by April Linder
    Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth
    Flyaway by Lucy Christopher
    Preorder The Dream Thieves by M. Stiefvater
    Thank you for the opportunity to enter!

  30. I would buy books

  31. Books. Books and more books!

  32. Oh, I would probably start out with good intentions toward buying history and biography books, and end up spending it all on Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys, and its soon-to-be-released sequel, The Dream Thieves! I just loved The Scorpio Races and now she's got me hooked again. Fast cars! Welsh kings! I might pick up a copy of The Great Gatsby too, since I don't own it yet, and Tolkien's The Fall of Arthur. Oh, and I'd definitely buy my sister Tangled on Blueray for her birthday. :)

  33. Food! Our groceries are eating us alive. I have been trying to earn gift cards so that I can buy non persihable basics.

  34. Oh books, and e-books, and maybe some books for the kids too. :)

  35. Here's hoping! I have hundreds of dollars worth of books in my Amazon cart right now...

  36. I would put it towards purchasing a printer :)

  37. Books! Probably the kindle versions of Michelle West's Sun Sword series. :-)

  38. I'd definitely use the gift card on books! I'm addicted lol. Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. A couple of books I really want but cannot afford.

  40. I'd put it towards a new Kindle!

  41. Either books (Unspoken in September! Seige and Storm maybe?) or fabric. Hard to choose.

  42. I'd buy the kids some FL Sunshine State books to read over the summer

  43. Books books books! Maybe some dvds as well :-)

  44. Books and coffee. Coffee to keep me awake while I read.

  45. I'd pre-order the following so I had lots of lovely treats arriving throughout the year -
    The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
    Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan
    Haze by Paula Weston
    Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
    Tandem by Anna Jarzab

    and I'd buy some new picture books for my son :)

  46. Ginger6:50 AM

    I'd get books! I want Dark Triumph by Robin Lefevers, Dare You To by Katie McGarry and The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

  47. I would use it to buy books...probably books recommended by YOU.

    And I'd cuss you the entire time.

  48. I would buy ebooks--some of the higher priced books I've been dithering about! Several of Liaden Universe books, Wen Spencer's Eight Million Gods, Omens by Kelley Armstrong (out in August) and I'd quickly run through the $50!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  49. Probably books, since there are some titles that I've had on my wishlist forever but that I haven't had the funds to order.

  50. Natalie Lyons10:52 AM

    Books, so many good titles out there that I want for summer reading

  51. I need new shoes for my son!

  52. Oh man, books for sure--though I'm looking to replace a couple of small kitchen items (toaster, microwave) and $50 would help quite a bit with that!

  53. BOOKS! definitely books! :)

  54. It'd go towards the purchase of a wacom bamboo pen tablet

  55. I would use some of it for stuff my baby needs, diapers etc, and some for books. Right now I want to get the 3rd and 4th books in the stargate atlantis legacy series

  56. What would I spend it on? BOOKS. All the way. :D Ok, maybe some music too. Or a movie. But mostly likely books!

  57. Books for my kids to read over the summer! :D

  58. I'd buy some DVD's :)

  59. Denise8:47 PM

    Books and PG Tips tea.
    dmpinfl AT yahoo DOT com

  60. books, ofc - maybe some catherynne valente or courtney summers. also i've been meaning to check out joseph gordon-levitt's tiny book of tiny stories

  61. Some new home decor items!

  62. Books, always books!

  63. Pumzie9:08 AM

    I would buy some hardcover book sets that I have been eyeing

  64. I would put it towards textbooks for school!

  65. Anonymous10:56 AM

    BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS!! I really want Shadow and Bone, and Siege and Storm because I hear that they are AMAZING. Also probably more Marillier books, who are we kidding :D

  66. Oh like most have said...books! The struggle would just be figuring out what books.

  67. I'm actually hoping to buy the UK edition box set of the Harry Potter series that's coming out in September with the new cover art. So, that's a lot of books right there! Hopefully a Christmas present to myself. I've always wanted to own the Britishisms in print.

  68. i would probably pre-order the new nora roberts writing as j.d. robb book, 'thankless in death' (which i think is #46 in the eve dallas, which is supposedly coming out in september.

  69. I'd like to buy THE LONGEST RIDE by Nicholas Sparks. (I have a weakness for 'weepies' as my daughter calls them.) And I'd use whatever is left over on Christmas gifts. I shop all year round to be able to afford to do a big Christmas without going over budget. And I perfer to give all my little nieces and nephews books instead of toys.

  70. There is a book I had my eye on...the title is something like, Women Who Read Are Dangerous. I have always wanted to own it. There are also several recommendations that I need to pick up, but I cannot think of a single title at this moment. So, there you go. (:

  71. Muntakim7:24 PM

    Definitely spending it on books :)

  72. Anonymous9:23 PM

    A Good Blog that will help me on buying a good knowledge from amazon, TQVM

  73. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Monica M

    Definitely a shirt and maybe a book!

  74. I'd probably put it towards a Father's Day gift for my Dad. Probably a good Clancy or Cussler book, his favorites :P

  75. I'd put it toward a Kindle Paperwhite, I think. I've been going through book light batteries like no other and it's been putting a crimp in my late night reading habit, which is unacceptable! If not the Paperwhite, definitely books. :)

  76. I have an extensive list of books I could use this towards.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  77. coffee and books

  78. K Cups!


  79. Carolyn1:23 PM

    I would definitely spend the entirety on books!

  80. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I'm not sure what I would buy honestly - okay no, I'd buy books. Hehe. It would be nice to win something for once.

  81. I'm headed to Costa Rica for a month, so I would definitely use the gift card to pick up some Spanish books!

  82. I would use the gift card to pick up my son some new story books to read this summer :)

  83. BOOKS!! :) I have no idea which ones, though. I like making fake carts filled with all the things I could buy if I had unlimited money on Amazon. Total waste of time but also lots of fun.

  84. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I would buy Rubik's Cubes

  85. I would spend it on some e-books and gifts for my kids!

  86. I would buy some new music and new shades of nail polish for summer!

    seashell210 at gmail dot com

  87. I'm expecting so I'd probably spend it on baby items!

  88. I'd buy pet supplies.

  89. Laura Jacobson1:03 AM

    I would love to buy a new Toaster! Since my sons family moved back home with me, my no longer gluten free for me! So, I would love a new toaster just for me so I can have my toast again and not get sick.

  90. Books and movies. Thank you!

  91. Books that are coming out later this year!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. Books! Especially eyeing The School of Good and Evil & the Divergent boxset & John Green boxset!

  93. she like books a lot.. I can give a gift for her

  94. As Maureen

    I would love to purchase some of the items that are on my husband's wish list as his birthday is soon.

  95. New books! There are a few that I've had my eye on for the past 3 months.

  96. I think I would buy something fun for the house.

  97. DVDs: Anna Karenina, Silver Linings Playbook

    Books: Written in My Own Heart's Blood, The Burning Sky

  98. Hope to win this please. I need to get a graphics tablet for me to follow my dream on digital designing.

  99. Kitchen or house-y supplies :) I will be living in my own apartment soon and I want to start decorating!

  100. I would use it toward a new phone

  101. I'd buy books! Or maybe some DVDS.

  102. Books! Alas, probably textbooks.

  103. I'd splurge on some essential oils I've been wanting to buy.

  104. Books! Mostly art books, but also some books by Brandon Sanderson or some comic books.

  105. Clothes or something for the house! truckredford(at)Gmail(dot)Com

  106. I'm excited for this. Crossed all body parts on this one not just fingers. I will get a graphics pen tablet to follow my dream of becoming a digital artist.

    One question how will you notify the winner?

  107. I think I would spend it on new Chacos, a FitBit, or books. Ah, the siren call of books!

  108. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I would buy a poster for my bedroom

  109. Schuyler7:59 PM

    I would buy some books!!! Duh!

  110. Courtney9:08 PM

    Books! of course! :)

  111. Arreyah Whitlock10:20 PM

    I would spend the gift card on books.
    Which ones?
    Ummm...Definitely the Divergent series by Veronica Roth.
    I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
    The Breathing Series by Rebecca Donovan
    Easy by Tammara Webber
    A couple Nicholas Sparks books
    I'd pre-order
    Here Without You by Tammara Webber
    Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan
    Allegiant by Veronica Roth
    Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head! There are so many books I would just love to get my hands on.

  112. Victor3:33 AM

    I would definitely spend it on autobiographies of my favorite people

  113. Oh boy I missed this one. just found it in search. When you have great giveaways like this again will you share them on Sweep Wow? I built the site as a giveaway sweepstakes directory and my readers there will love to come enter your giveaways.

  114. Who WON This if NO-ONE i am still in

    I would like to HAVE JBL Headsets :D

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