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A Purely Subjective & Entirely Moody List of Valentine's Reads

I am an emphatically moody reader these days, guys. I know it can drive my close associates out of their minds (and rightly so), because handing me a book to read can often sometimes be the death knell on me ever actually reading it. It's an inexplicable and a tiresome truth, but unfortunately it's a real one. And so lately I've been thinking about what influences my moods. Some of it is seasonal, to be sure. Much of it is literally how a single day went before I was finally able to drag my tired body into bed and settle in to read myself into a better mood. With Valentine's Day approaching, I've been casting about for the right thing. Who knows what I'll be feeling like tonight, tomorrow, or Sunday? And so I've come up with a number of possibilities to fit this moment in time's particular moody bill. The truth is, I could likely sit down with any one of these this weekend. They are all lovely and romantic and residents of my Beloved Bookshelf. But which one will it be? And what will you be in the mood for? Anything strike your fancy?

If I'm feeling spiteful . . . Cruel Beauty, because he is never safe with her.

If I'm feeling nostalgic . . . Life Without Friends, because it has always meant so much.

If I'm feeling fragmented . . . Unsticky, because Grace & Vaughn are blisteringly flawed and beautiful.

If I'm feeling rakish . . . The Devil in Winter, because she grabs hold of her life and he falls in love with his wife.

If I'm feeling solitary . . . Emotional Geology, because Scotland. Also healing and Rose and Calum.

If I'm feeling cunning . . . The King of Attolia, because he became king because he wanted to marry her and she loves every single one of his ridiculous lies.

If I'm feeling haunted . . . A Certain Slant of Light, because it is arrestingly beautiful.

If I'm feeling lost . . . The Chocolate Touch, because Paris is a good place to fight your demons.

If I'm feeling fierce. . . Graceling, because Katsa is so incredibly strong. And because Po.

If I'm feeling tragic . . . The Song of Achilles, because it is exquisite agony and it left my cup full to the brim.

If I'm feeling whimsical . . . I've Got Your Number, because it is ineffably charming.

If I'm feeling star-crossed . . . Perfect Chemistry, because it's wrong side of the tracks, rising music, teenage angst.

If I'm feeling epic . . . The Well of Shades, because it is spies and constant peril, redemption and true love.

If I'm feeling ardent . . . The Raven Boys, because my happiness is inextricably tied to them. That's all there is.


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