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Angie's Little Free Library

I've wanted to post about this for the last while, but . . . life. Ever since we took a family trip a few years ago and ran across one of these Little Free Libraries somewhere in the wilds of Colorado, I've dreamed of putting one up in our yard and filling it with all the books. Since I am a serial book collector, it seemed as though it wouldn't be a hardship keeping one stocked. I can't even imagine the various ways my head would have exploded as a kid if I'd stumbled across one of these in any of the many neighborhoods where we lived when I was growing up. I would have absolutely haunted it.

And then my beautiful husband and his beautiful siblings went and gave me one. They even dug the hole and poured the concrete. I painted it, carefully selected the first books, and before I knew it there were actual people stopping. They were actually browsing. And it was approximately one thousand percent as magical as I imagined it might be. So I threw caution to the winds and started the library's own Instagram, in case people wanted to stay apprised of the comings and goings of various items (and so I could natter on in an additional marginally sanctioned way about the books and editions I love so much). And you know what? Thoughtful patrons not only contribute books to the cause (one kind soul left an entire bag full of books leaning against the post one night), they message me when they find and read something they love, when their children read something they love. It's as if they know, you guys.

I've seen people reverse their cars and pull over. I've seen a girl open to the first page and not look up once as she walked away. I even saw people arrive with flashlights long after dark, which thrilled me to my very core. Now Aaron tells me the library is a regular stop on a number of kids' walks home from school, which, of course, means books are magic. And we'll be okay.


  1. I absolutely love everything about this. :)

  2. This is so cool. I can see so many of my favourite books on your shelves - there is nothing like sharing the love!

    1. There really isn't. It brings so much joy.

  3. It's a fabulous library. Really wonderful.

  4. SO jealous and happy for you! I've have been dreaming of my own little free library as well. I have the spot all planned out, but I need to buy the box.

    1. It took quite awhile to make it actually happen. But it's such a pleasure now. Fingers crossed for you!

  5. In my neighborhood in rural England, I stumbled across an iconic English phonebox (think Doctor Who) that had been turned into a village lending library. I blogged about it here: - Kelly


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