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Angie's Best Books of 2022


Somehow the end of the year is here. And we're all here. And I still feel like placing this post in this space. So I shall. With gratitude and a certain wistful hope. For us all. But especially for these books, the people that walk them, their words, and their creators.

(listed in the order in which I read them)

Hook, Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey

The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes by Cat Sebastian

You Were Made to Be Mine by Julie Anne Long

Impossible by Sarah Lotz

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

The Worst Guy by Kate Canterbary

Fire Season by K.D. Casey

Husband Material by Alexis Hall

Love in the Time of Serial Killers by Alicia Thompson

Heartbreaker by Sarah MacLean

Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

Lore Olympus, Vol. 3 by Rachel Smythe

Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater

The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion, Vol. 6 by Beth Brower

Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots by Cat Sebastian

Scattered Showers by Rainbow Rowell

FYI, that's 10 contemporaries, 5 historicals, and 4 fantasies. Of those, 9 are romances, 2 are mysteries, 2 are fairy tales, 2 are retellings, 1 is a graphic novel, and 1 is a collection of short stories. I loved them all.

Best New Discovery of 2022

Cat Sebastian

I mean, come on. Her tagline is "Fall in Love. Eat the rich." I didn't stand a chance. She also appeared twice on my best of the year list, which is quite a rarified place to land! I'm cheating a bit here, because I had actually read some of Cat Sebastian's books prior to 2022, but I feel like this was the year I really discovered what she could do, you know? Holy smokes, the woman can write the hell out of a book. But do you know what I love best about her words? She is so gentle. She is so dashed gentle with her characters and with their hearts. 

Best Books I Read in 2022 That Were Published in a Different Year

Fated Blades by Ilona Andrews

No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole

I'm Only Wicked with You by Julie Anne Long

Repeat, Play, and Lick by Kylie Scott

The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik

Peter Cabot Gets Lost by Cat Sebastian

Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward

Happy New Year!


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Thank you thank you! for publishing this post in this space. I look forward to it every year:)

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Such a good stack.

    1. It has a certain something, doesn't it?

  3. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Thank you! I look forward to this list every year; it makes me so happy. I always find books I haven't read, congratulate myself on my good taste when I see books I've read on the list, and remember that, even when times are tough, there are always books to escape into.

    1. There are always books. Thank goodness. Congratulate yourself indeed! I love it.

  4. Laura9:35 PM

    Thank you so much for posting this! I always mine it like a dwarf looking for precious things.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Agree about Cat Sebastian and her gentleness! Have you read HITHER, PAGE? Would recommend!

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Agree about Cat Sebastian and her gentleness! Have you read HITHER, PAGE? Would recommend! You can find it second-hand (from Abebooks and such)


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