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Mercy Thompson Movie?

Now I hestitate to get my hopes up too high, but I couldn't not note that 50 Canon Entertainment has just optioned the film rights to Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series! Press release found here. Now...who could play Adam?


  1. I read about this, but in the article I came across they called Mercy a vampire slayer, which was weird.

    Anyway, I gifted your blog with an award. :)

  2. Yeah, I saw that "vampire slayer" term. Um, not exactly.

    An award?!? Why thank you!

  3. I don't think there exists an actor worthy of playing Adam! But I suppose we'd have to settle for someone . . . Hugh Jackman?

  4. Yep, I think he'd work just fine. Hmm...

  5. Anonymous1:03 AM

    I think Christian Bale would make a perfect Adam. He's beautiful, hot, and very intense.

  6. Anon, good call. Why did I never think of him? Christian Bale would make a perfect Adam!

  7. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Gerard butler= Adam

  8. Wow, another good one! I had not considered Butler. *imagines*

  9. Anonymous9:38 PM

    One thing you have to rememeber is that in the books Mercy describes Adam being from the 50's and looks around his early or late twenties.
    Hugh Jackman I think that he's a lil but too old for the part and wouldnt really be... adam-y. lol.
    Gerard Butler has a scottish accent. That would be... wierd. lol. (I do not mean any disrespect. They're all REALLY good looking guys.)
    I personally think that (BE NICE PLZ) Ryan reynolds could MAYBE pullit off. If you catch him in a movie where he's serious, he seems kind of intense.

  10. Anon, this is true. Jackman is getting old for the part for sure. And he should definitely NOT have a Scottish accent (as much as I love them).

    I have recently become a fan of Ryan Reynolds and so if they dyed his hair darker, I think I can see it. I always picture Adam darker. This may be my favorite suggestion so far!

  11. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I know right? Darker as in skin darker? Or Hair Darker? If you want skin AND hair than maybe we should look at a personal favorite of mine

    Jon Kortajarena.

    Sure, he's a model. BUT alot of models get acting deals right? He has slightly darker skin and darker hair. Plus... HE'S FREAKIN HOT! LOL.

  12. Anonymous4:54 PM

    what about James Caviezel for Adam? has the dark coloring and amazing bone structure

  13. How about Ian Somerhalder, he's a cutie. Who could play Mercy is the question.

  14. Anonymous12:21 PM

    look up Julia Jones. gorgeous. she's also playing leah clearwater in "Twilight: Eclipse"

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I agree with whoever made this video James MacAvoy for Bran is perfect.

  16. does anyone know who the model is for dos santos' work for Mercy Thompson?

  17. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Eric Bana=Adam.

  18. Anonymous8:21 PM

    mercy thomas should be played by rosario dawson james mccavoy for bran would be perfect..

  19. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I think Julia Jones is a great choice on Mercy and found a hottie model who would make a very cute Adam(Model: Luis De La Torre). What ya think?

  20. Kristina6:14 PM

    I listed 2 actors for each of the main characters. If this becomes a movie *fingers crossed*, the casting director will have their work cut out for them!

    Mercy - Michelle Rodriguez/Julia Jones
    Adam - Jonathan Rhys Meyers/Henry Cavill
    Jesse - Dakota Fanning/Sasha Pieterse
    Stefan - Zachary Quinto/Joshua Jackson
    Sam - Bradley Cooper/Mark Wahlberg
    Bran - Freddie Prinze Jr./Sean Faris
    Zee - Ben Kingsley/Patrick Stewart
    Darryl - Sam Horrigan/Bronson Pelletier
    Warren - Kellan Lutz/Chris Pine
    Ben - Ryan Reynolds/Ryan Gosling
    Kyle - Cam Gigandet/Wentworth Miller

  21. The model for the book covers is a part time bartender at the artist's local bar. He liked her looks for Mercy, and added the extra tattoos (his model has none).

  22. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Adam- Paul Walker

  23. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Chris pine would make a better Bran, he has that young adult look and has dominant qualities about him

    besides freddie prince junior is OLD.
    and sean faris is tan, isnt bran welsh?

  24. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Josh Hartnet should play Adam! I think he would make a great Adamn.

  25. Anonymous2:24 AM

    I love the idea of Eric Bana being Adam because Adam is supposed to have dark coloring, but the wolves are supposed to appear like they're in their late 20's so he might be too old to play Adam

  26. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I know your all talking about the Mercy Thompson movie but your only thinking about Adam, your not thinking about Sammuel. If you do not remember in the books starting from the beggining it also talks about Mercy and Sammuel having a thing, then there is also when mercy went back to Aspen Creek and talked with Charles and the Marrok. there is also the other members of Adam's and the Marrok's pack that you haven't taken into account, if the movie is going to be a top notch you can't just think about 1 character and who is going to play it. You need to think of all the members and how they will co-exist together in the movie, to have a great movie you need an awesome cast not just 1-2 people.

  27. Brittani12:43 AM

    Paul Walker has always been who I've imagined as Adam.

  28. Anonymous10:13 PM

    All I hope for is that Mercy is played by an actual native american (latino is not even close)! I mean really what's the point of making movies in america if your going to cast white people as middle eastern (Hidalgo)?! Also hopfully not someone with a supermodel's face, someone with muscles and rough hands, you know someone that looks like a mechanic.

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Yes a native American I couldn't agree more


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