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I have become a big fan of snippets. Well, of Ilona Andrews' snippets particularly. Every so often she and/or Gordon relents and placates the fans by posting a tiny little bit of a piece of a story headed our way sometime in the not-too-distant future. My favorites of these are (for obvious reasons) the Curran-based snippets from the upcoming Kate Daniels book, in this case--Magic Bleeds. But the very best is when Gordon writes a well-known scene from one of the previous books from Curran's POV. That's when the magic happens, people. My very favorite is the soup scene: Part I and Part II. Enjoy.

Juliet Marillier's website has a brand new design worth exploring and she has also posted the first chapter of Heart's Blood. Set in western Ireland during the 12th century this is a standalone novel that is very loosely based on the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale. It is my most anticipated book of the fall and so I couldn't resist the lure of the first chapter. I highly recommend heading over to read about Caitrin as she first arrives at Whistling Tor and get a taste of what's to come when the book comes out November 3rd. I cannot wait.

Charlaine Harris has posted the first chapter of the fourth Harper Connelly mystery. Due out October 27th, Grave Secret follows Harper and Tolliver as they try to deal with the changes in their lives over the last three books. From the first chapter I can tell things are going to get bumpier, not smoother for these two. I love this series and was so happy to find she was writing a fourth volume. Enjoy.


  1. Ilona Andrews snippets are addictive. It's always: I want MORE MORE MORE!!

    Can't wait for the next Harper Connelly. Will take a look at the link for the first chapter soon, but I think I may have seen it before? Can't remember.. but I think this book is going to be about Harper & Tolliver's two sisters.

  2. I love snippets and I LOVE the Magic series. She does a great job with her blog too..such a fun place to visit. I definitely can't wait for more Kate and Curran!

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Thanks for posting these, Angie!! Especially Juliet Marillier, I <3 her!

  4. I knew Ilona and Gordon shared snippets, but I hadn't been to their site in a while. The ones from Curran's POV are sooooo good! Makes me want to read the books again. Thanks for the heads up!

  5. Janice, they are!! I always come away just craving another visit with the characters. I'm happy to hear you like the Harper books as well. I was sort of taken by surprise at how much I liked them. And you're right, this fourth one looks like it will definitely involve the two sisters.

    Mandi, exactly! It's such a fun place to poke around and get your fix. :) More Kate and Curran, please.

    Rachel, my pleasure! A new Marillier book on its way never fails to make my pulse quicken and my fingers twitch. And this one looks soooo good.

    Christine, aren't they? I read Curran's POV with a big 'ol grin on my face. They are awesome. What a great team Ilona and Gordon (and Kate & Curran) make.

  6. I'm practically counting the days until Heart's Blood's release! I read the excerpt a couple of days ago and to say that it whet my appetite would be an understatement. So looking forward to it!

  7. I love those Curran snippets. I suddenly want a Doolittle POV from the second snippet. What went through the good doc's mind when his boss asks him if Kate would like soup?

    The Andrea/Raphael short story in "Must Love Hellhounds" is really good. :-)

  8. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Everytime I hear that a new Juliet Marillier novel is coming out... I get so excited! I can't wait for Heart's Blood!

    However I only recently visited her website and found out about her cancer... that is really too bad and I sent her an email wishing her best of luck on her treatment. That makes me so sad. :(

    I love her new website!

  9. Chelle, I feel exactly the same way. I got chills down my spine reading it.

    Christina, what a good point! I would love to know. I had no idea Curran was so calculating at that early a date. But I love it. And you've convinced me I have to get MUST LOVE HELLHOUNDS. I've been wanting to so badly. I love Andrea and Raphael!

    Emily, yes! I knew you would feel the same. I felt absolutely sick when I found out she has cancer. I hope everything goes well and my thoughts are with her.

  10. Actually, these days, I usually try to avoid snippets, unless I read them in a review.

    I think it's because I have too much to read already!!

  11. Lenore, that's true. It can really pad your TBR to dangerous proportions if you run across new fabulous stuff you need to have. :) But when it's a book I'm looking forward to already and the author posts a snippet...I have no will power whatsoever!


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