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The Dead Travel Fast Cover

Hold the phone. I just now came across the cover for Deanna Raybourn's upcoming standalone novel--The Dead Travel Fast. They've clearly designed this cover to match up well with Mira's re-issues of Raybourn's Lady Julia Grey novels. What do you think? I love the title, which is a line from Bram Stoker's Dracula. Interestingly, when he says it, Jonathan Harker is actually quoting an even older source--a poem by Gottfried Burger entitled "Lenore." I am such a huge fan of Raybourn's Lady Julia Grey mysteries and I'm very excited to see what happens when she ventures into all new territory. All I know is that it follows a British woman, takes place in the 1850s, and is set in Transylvania. Those three things, combined with the fact that it's written by Ms. Raybourn, mean I absolutely cannot wait to read it! The Dead Travel Fast is due out March 1st.


  1. Yeah! So excited.

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I like the cover, though I know I'll always prefer the original cover designs for Silent in the Grave and Silent in the Sanctuary. (Imagine how wonderful the cover for Moor would have been if they continued with those designs.)

    I've been checking Deanna Raybourn's blog everyday for news about TDTF and its cover, so this was a pleasant surprise! Like you, I'm excited to read something by Raybourn that isn't in the Lady Julia Grey world. Her books make me so happy.


  3. Beautiful cover. This series is on my 'Must Read in 2010" List. ;)

  4. I literally gasped when I saw this! I cannot even express how much I am anticipating this book! Now it's real. (Not that it wasn't before or anything, but...there's now a cover!) Thank you, thank you, thank you for finding and posting this!

    (Um, sorry about all the exclamation marks.)

  5. Holly, I know! I'm all bouncy with excitement.

    Karen, we are truly book kindred spirits, I think. :) I still get sad thinking of what the SotM cover might have been...

    And that's exactly how her books make me feel--so happy.

    Christine, if I'm not mistaken you are going to fall hard for the Lady Julia Grey books. Yay for 2010 reading.

    Chelle, lol, it is absolutely my pleasure. :) Finding it surely made my day. I cannot WAIT! I actually like this cover as it looks dangerous and intriguing rather than seductive.

  6. I love Deanna's books... I didn't know about this one, so thanks for sharing! :)

  7. I didn't know she had a standalone coming out. What great news! And the cover is v. pretty.

  8. oooo pretty! can't wait :)

  9. Hold the phone is right!! This is a major must read. Oh, please let it not be hardcover!!!

  10. Sara, my pleasure! She's such a wonderful writer, isn't she?

    Casey, I agree. Love all the brocade.

    KIWI, I know! So hard all the waiting...

    Carolyn, lol. Major is the word! And you're in luck--it's coming out in trade paperback.

  11. ohh nice. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else Ms. Raybourne is capable of - but please tell me that there are still more Julia mysteries in store! and soon. Please!

  12. Ooooh LOVE the cover!!

    Almost makes it worth having to wait til next fall for the next Julia Grey book....


  13. Michelle, yes there are! She's at work on the fourth one right now. In revisions, if I'm not mistaken. So excited! *bounce*

    Britt, me too. And, yes, this is just the thing to tide me over.

  14. I am very excited to see news of a new book by Deanna Raybourn, and what little we know of it sounds very interesting too!

  15. Marg, it's almost more exciting that way. Just the hint of an idea, so much possibility...:)

  16. Ooh! I'm a little late to join, BUT I'm so excited for this book! haha, I'm wondering if it will be anything like 'The Historian'? I loved her other books, so I cannot wait!!!


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