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Epic Pretties

These three make me rather weak in the knees. You can just tell by looking at the covers that these pretties pack a punch when it comes to fantasy and epic tasks/quests/journeys, etc. I'm looking forward to each one with incredible amounts of anticipation and I've only read one of these authors before!

Ever since coming up for air after finishing Melina Marchetta's Jellicoe Road, I have been impatiently waiting for Finnikin of the Rock to be released. Already published in Australia, *pout* it's taken its sweet time making its U.S. debut. But I have it on good authority it is going to be well worth the wait. In a world of fever camps, wandering exiles, and cursed kingdoms, young Finnikin joins forces with the reckless Evanjalin in a bid to save the land of Lumatere from the evil that threatens to swallow it. This could be a novel about paint drying and, after the wonder that was Jellicoe Road, I would read it in a heartbeat. Due out February 9th.

Leah Cypess makes her debut with the intriguing fantasy Mistwood. A young girl has lost her memory. A desperate prince risks everything on the mere hope she is who he believes her to be. In the land of Samorna the monarchs have always been protected by an ancient shape-shifter with supernatural abilities. Forced to return to a place she once fled, amid scheming and lies, Isabel struggles to determine who she used to be and what she must become. I love brand new authors with all their possibilities and promise. I've got a seriously good feeling about this one, guys. Due out April 27th.

The first in the Griffin Mage trilogy, Lord of the Changing Winds looks like a promising new series to follow. The griffins are coming, bringing fire and desert in their wake. The king prepares for battle to protect his land from this menace. Meanwhile a young girl is summoned to heal the Griffin King and her awakening abilities lead her to understand the truth behind the sudden flight of these mystical creatures. I really love this cover and am looking forward to diving into a new world full of fire and danger. Even better, the first two books are releasing back to back in April and May. I love it when they do that!


  1. OOh, there's a GRIFFIN book coming out? There.

  2. Wow sounds great!

  3. Nice choices! I've added them to my list!

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    They all sound like great reads. 2010 feels like it's going to be a great year for books. Can't wait!

  5. Diana, I know, right? So there.

    Maria, *rubs hands together* it does indeed.

    Kath, the list grows ever longer...:)

    Anna, I really agree with you. So much to look forward to!

    La Coccinelle, aren't they? I ran across all three within a day of each other and knew they'd have to go up together.

  6. I agree with Anna; 2010 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for books! I'll definitely be reading all three of these. I might have to go back and read JELLICOE ROAD, too.

  7. Ohh, those are so pretty! Definitely look hardcore fantasy here. I especially love Mistwood, though the words are a little hard to see. 2010 is going to be awesome! :) (And hard on my wallet, lol)

  8. oh wow! These all look fantastic. I'm so pleased Melina Marchetta has something out this year even though I have to wait till next year for The Piper's Son! I need friends in Australia!

  9. Thanks for the ideas - I've heard of the first two, and both are totally on my to read list, but the last one is new to me. And I agree. LOVELY covers.

  10. Chelle, yeah, I'm definitely feeling a re-read of that one creeping up on me. Sooo good.

    Jenn, yes, MISTWOOD is going to be something special. I can tell.

    Alexa, I've long felt the same way! Ever since I discovered Juliet Marillier and they used to publish her books in Australia first and then a YEAR later here in the U.S. Argh!

    Raspberry, yeah, that last one gave me a little thrill when I found it. I don't know why. Could have been the comparison the person made to Robin McKinley's BLUE SWORD and Harry. Gave me the good shivers. :)

  11. I've been wishing for Finnikin of the Rock for a long time too. I need a Candlewick insider...

  12. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Can't wait to read the Marchetta!

  13. KB, seriously! It looks soooo good.

    lasrisas, me too!


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