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Linger Cover + First Paragraph

Maggie Stiefvater has revealed the cover for her upcoming Wolves of Mercy Falls novel, Linger, along with the first paragraph as a teaser! As you probably know, this is the sequel to Shiver and it follows Sam, Grace, and the whole crew as they find out what happens after. And here it is:
This is the story of a boy who used to be a wolf and a girl who was becoming one.
Just a few months ago, it was Sam who was the mythical creature. His was the disease we couldn't cure. His was the good-bye that meant the most. He had the body that was a mystery, too strange and wonderful and terrifying to comprehend.
But now it is spring. With the heat, the remaining wolves will soon be falling out of their wolf pelts and back into their human bodies. Sam stays Sam, and Cole stays Cole, and it's only me who's not firmly in my own skin.
So what do you think? I love the first paragraph and like the consistency of the covers. I confess to being pretty intrigued to find out where she's going to take these characters after the end of Shiver, which, for the record, I thought would have worked perfectly well as a final ending. No idea where this one's gonna go, but definitely interested to see.


  1. what a beautiful cover! I love! I can't wait for this book to come out. seems so promising!

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Yes, I definitely love the covers for this series. I'm so glad they're not the usual black that other paranormal romances all use. Thanks for posting this! I'm not sure how I feel about the first paragraph, though. Grace is turning now? Um, why? It's been too long for her, and I'm not buying that she'd suddenly have trouble now. But I guess I just have to trust that Maggie Stiefvater knows what she's doing.

  3. I don't remember there being any indication that Grace would change...hmmm...

  4. I love the cover! But admit I'm stumped that Grace would be starting to change now... should be interesting to find out what that's all about.

  5. Alicia, it really is going to be interesting to see what makes up the sequels.

    Nikki, I completely agree. That first bit took me by surprise. I didn't think Grace would be changing at all.

    Lenore, yeah, I don't think there was. Strange.

    Christine, do you suppose they could get stuck the other way around? That would be infuriating...

  6. Oh, I love it too! The cover is beautiful, and the excerpt is really intriguing!

  7. I didn't exactly love Shiver as much as I was intrigued by the story. I look forward to reading reviews once they are available to see whether or not I'll be reading this book.

  8. Wow im surprised t find out grace is changing.
    But maybe because she had a fever she changes in the summer instead of winter.It just took 6 years take effect??(: I cant wait for this to come out(:

  9. kay, I agree. :)

    Samantha, yeah, that sounds like a good way to go to determine whether or not to continue on with the series.

    Jen, strange, isn't it? I keep wondering if that line is somehow intentionally misleading. Hm.

  10. i cant wait for it to come out !!!!!! i loved the first book sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Oh my gooooodnesss. I can't wait to read this (: My English teacher has this book [Linger] in an un-edited copy of it so I'm probably among the few lucky people who get to read it first! I'm soo excited (: I get to pick it up tomorrow (: Can't wait!


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