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Beguiling Pretties

This is romance novelist Sophie Jordan's YA debut and word is it's the first in a series. Having never read any of Jordan's work, I'm interested to see how she fits on the YA scene. One of the draki--descendants of dragonshifters--Jacinda has the rare ability to breathe fire. When she and her family escape to live among humans, she finds herself drawn to a young man whose family hunts her kind. Gotta love the hint of scales around her eye. Due out September 7th.

heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl
I can't help myself with this cover, you guys. I love it. I love everything about it. All I really feel the need to mention about this one is that the main character's name is Princess Una of Parumvir. That alone should be enough, yes? No? Well, she's got some suitors and one of them is rather dashing while the other is a bit stodgy (but well-meaning!). Oh, and there is a dragon. Or at least the threat of one. Interestingly, the subtitle is "Tales of Goldstone Wood." I like it. Due out July 1st.

Wildthorn by Jane Eagland
Originally published in the UK last year, Wildthorn is on its way across the pond this fall. This one looks a bit darker, as the main character is a young Victorian woman who is sent to an insane asylum for daring to be different. They change her clothes, they change her name, they attempt to wipe away everything about her, but somehow, despite betrayal upon betrayal, seventeen-year-old Louisa Cosgrove must find the key to freedom. I have to say, I'm so there. Due out September 6th.


  1. I love that cover for Heartless! The cover for Wildthorn scared me at first glance, because I thought it was a neck instead of a waist, and it just looked creepy.

  2. They ARE gorgeous, and thanks for the additions to my TBR pile.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Are you going to BEA this year? I noticed Firelight is one of the books being featured at the YA Editor Buzz panel. If I can make it to the signing scheduled at the same time, I'd like to attend.

    I'm curious about all three books. I especially like the cover for Heartless.


  4. Those really qualifies as pretties :) I have all three on my wishlist(not just because they have pretty covers of course).

  5. Thank you for giving us such great things to look forward to! I'm particularly thrilled about the first two books! The covers are insanely gorgeous. Marking on goodreads so I don't forget about them when they're released.

  6. Wildthorn sounds very interesting. That one is going on my tbr list

  7. Oooh, Heartless is beautiful and sounds interesting. That one has been added to my wishlist. Thanks for sharing the pretties.

  8. Brenda, yikes! I'm glad it's not a neck. But the corset is still pretty wince-inducing.

    Raspberry, you bet. I'm excited about three new-to-me authors.

    Karen, YES! I am. We need to make sure to hook up. We should try to go to that one together. :)

    Ladybug, lol, of course.

    Isabelle, good idea. I've marked them down on my release calendar as well. And those first two really are lovely.

    Sullivan, I thought so as well. Harrowing, but fascinating.

    Kerry, my pleasure! I just sat and admired the cover of HEARTLESS when I first saw it.

  9. Beguiling indeed! I especially love the cover of Firelight and the story sounds great, too! Actually, they all sound very intriguing. Thanks, Angie.

  10. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I'm jumping on the Firelight wagon. That's my favorite cover of the three. Such cool details with the eyes and the scales. Thanks for posting these!

  11. I love the Firelight cover! And the premise looks interesting as well.

  12. Christine, particularly pretty this set. I'm very interested in all three.

    Nikki, yep. The scales and her hair make it. :)

    Chachic, that seems to be the consensus. It is great.

  13. I LOVE the Heartless cover. And the other two are beautiful as well. I actually chose Heartless as my Waiting on Wednesday post this week!;)

  14. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Angie, I think Maria Snyder is signing Spy Glass and Jeri Smith-Ready is signing Shade at the same time as the YA Editor Buzz panel! That's a tough call.

    It looks like the books on the panel will include Firelight, Infinite Days, Plain Kate. Matched and The Duff. I'm only interested in Firelight and The Duff so far.

    We should definitely hook up. I'm sure we'll be on a lot of the same lines, but during our lulls there's no reason why we should wander around alone!

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    By the way, that comment above is from me - KarenS

  16. Chantele, nice choice! :)

    Karen, yikes. That is a tough call. I really want to meet Jeri and, yeah, FIRELIGHT is the only one really interesting me on that panel. Well, either way will hook up and wander together. And chat in lines. :) I'm so excited!!

  17. good article
    thank you for your post

  18. Totally gorgeous covers!


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