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On Gifts, the Giving of

Sunday was Mother's Day and it was a very relaxing day indeed. The weather was nice, the lilacs out back were blooming their little purple hearts out, and my boy gave me a plant he'd been secretly growing in his Kindergarten classroom along with the plant journal he'd been keeping on its progress from a seedling to its present robust state.
He's sweet the way only a six-year-old boy can be. 

DH gave me an armband in which to put my iPod, along with some spiffy in-ear, noise-isolating headphones so that I might properly listen to my carefully crafted playlists while I bike to work and back. I should probably note that in our home, headphones are the gift of kings. Behold, Aaron's headphone rack:
He's sweet the way only a dedicated audiophile who loves me can be. 

And lastly my sister-in-law Liza surprised me with a small white bag containing this:
She's sweet the way only a sister & kindred spirit can be. 
The quote is (famously) from Pride & Prejudice. The mug can be purchased here.
The gift givers are mine.


  1. How nice and very well thought out by the people who obviously care for you!
    Thanks for sharing your goodies! Enjoy...

    Jackie b central texas

  2. Your sister was so nice with the coffee cup as a gift. My hubby gave me perfume

  3. Aw the plant and plant journal is adorable and that is very lovely writing for a kindergartner :)

    I have those headphones they are fabulous and great on planes too.

  4. The mug is seriously cute! I love the kid art on the front of your son’s plant journal :) I’m impressed he was able to keep it a secret. My 5 year old is not capable of keeping a secret longer than 15 minutes ;) I knew everything I was getting for Mother’s Day thanks to her “mom let me whisper something in your ear” LOL


  6. Jackie, yep, they're keepers. All three of 'em. :)

    Arlene, nice! Did he pick it out on his own?

    Alexa, good to know! I'll give them a whirl on the plane to NY in a couple weeks.

    Mama, LOL. Mine struggled pretty hard not to spill the beans. He kept telling me he had something for me at school, but somehow managed to keep it a secret. Your daughter sounds so cute.

    Holly, *grin* I actually teared up when I read it. Guess that shows how much that book means to me.

  7. Happy Mother's Day, Angie. You received some VERY nice gifts. Will's journal looks perfect. :D Before you know it, Piper will be joining him in the homemade card and gift making. My favorite kind.

    I have to say that Mother's Day is becoming one of my favorite holidays. tee hee!

    I was gifted some very pretty tulips, a homemade candle from my youngest, a beautiful card with the most beautiful poem from my teen about me and our mother-daughter relationship. Talk about tears! And from my husband, I got a macro lens for my camera. :)

  8. Aw it's adorable how the headphones are lined up in order of size...there's even one for your son! That's so cute :D

  9. Such lovely gifts! Happy Mother's Day, Angie. :) I got my mom a book and a cake (which, fortunately, she was able to try before my brother finished it off).

  10. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I loved this spiffy in-ear, noise-isolating headphones (I have been asking for them for ages now, hopefully my birthday). I was looking at pics on DH (WOW! they are really good), guess we have another thing in common:

  11. Christine, those are some wonderful gifts! And a macro lens...veeeery nice.

    Amy, lol. There are ones for every size and shape of person.

    Chachic, yep. Gave both my mom and mom-in-law books as well. A CONSPIRACY OF KINGS...

    Emily, they are awesome, aren't they? And I *love* your pics! Wow. I had no idea you were a photographer. :)

  12. :) I'm behind on your blog. I didn't even get in on the giveaway and your great review of Demon's Covenant that I totally want to read.

  13. Liza, you get to borrow my copy. Just one of the many benefits provided here at Angieville. ;)


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