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In Which Richard Armitage Reads Georgette Heyer

Be still, my beating heart.

It all started yesterday, when I ran across Becky's review of Venetia. I always enjoy Becky's reviews and I eagerly clicked on this one as I have yet to read any Georgette Heyer books and had decided a few months ago that Venetia would be my first--and then promptly never got around to it. My eyes didn't even make it to the beginning of the review, however, as they caught on Becky's statement at the top that the version she read was actually the audio book as narrated by Richard Armitage.


A little quick investigating revealed that NAXOS AudioBooks has released two Georgette Heyer books narrated by Richard Armitage. The first was Sylvester, the second Venetia, and a third is on the way in August. These are abridged versions, which is unfortunate, but Becky mentioned in her excellent review that she read the book itself first and then listened to the audio book and they were both wonderful experiences. And the awesome thing is NAXOS has an excerpt up on their site you can listen to. And you really must. I turned it on in the background and continued to work on several other tasks on my computer. I ended up, hands in my lap, gazing at the screen blankly, listening to the sound of his voice. I think I may have just added another item to my wishlist. The question is: what else do you think we could get him to read?


  1. Listening right now! Oh my! What fun. Umm... let's have him read all the Jane Austen's, all the Elizabeth Gaskell's, maybe even the Brontes.... for starters.

  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Richard Armitage?? *fans self*

    Oh my... thank you so much for the info!!



  3. When I saw this post title in my reader I did a huge double take.... off to order these immediately! :)

  4. Richard Armitage has a ridiculously cool voice. I am admitting this despite the grudge I hold against him as Sir Guy on Robin Hood...

  5. Ahhh Richard Armitage! ♥ I've only read one Heyer but I have several on hand that I keep meaning to read. I'm sure you'll be encouraged to listen to all the Heyer books read by Richard Armitage. I'd love to listen to him read Pride and Prejudice!

  6. I love Georgette Heyer and I love Richard Armitage. I. Am. In. Heaven! Venetia and Sylvester are two of my favorites, so I may have to invest in the audio books...

  7. ummm.. I love him :D Thanks for the info Angie!

    You know, I actually watched North and South because of your thing about it on the blurb.. and it was fantastic! I loved it, I have been trying to get my hands on the book now :D

  8. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Thanks for the heads up. I own too many Georgette Heyer books despite not loving the two that I've read. I've read so many great things about the author, I'm convinced I simply haven't found the right book! Venetia and Sylvester were on my to-buy list before I decided to give up buying anymore Heyer books (I still have 4 on my shelf I need to get to). Maybe listening to Armitage's reading will make it clear to me what I'm missing. I do love his voice.


  9. Suey, isn't it? I loved that excerpt. And that's an excellent starting list. We can keep him busy for the foreseeable future. :)

    MsM, it's my pleasure. Believe me. I'll just be over here spreading the Armitage love.

    Fancy Day, lol. I know! I felt the same way.

    Lily, he really does. No question. I am a fan.

    Chachic, yes! P&P would be great. Also, PERSUASION. *happysigh* Which Heyer have you read?

    Tina, oh, that's good to hear. I am definitely going to start with VENETIA.

    Sarah, oh, I'm tickled to hear you watched it and loved it! And I really need to get a copy of the book as well...

    Karen, *grin* somehow I knew you would have some Heyer books on your shelf. Someday I need to see some pictures of your shelves! And I'm thinking his voice will definitely ease me into Heyer nicely.

  10. The Grand Sophy is a fine Georgette Heyer to start with. I've enjoyed most of her books - a couple have not been as great as the others, but most are consistent.

  11. Darling Mr. Armitage was the best part of NORTH AND SOUTH. I wouldn't mind listening to him read the phone book. Here's hoping he has a 20-book contract. :)

  12. Oh wow! Perfect voice for something you're going to be listening to for a while.

  13. helenel8:20 AM

    I agree with Diane re: The Grand Sophy.

    I am currenty listening to "The Convenient Marriage" and RA is doing a lovely job, as usual. I'm not sure who the genius was who recruited him for this job, but they deserve a huge bonus!

  14. Diane, I think THE GRAND SOPHY was the first Heyer I heard of and it's always mentioned favorably. Will add it to my list.

    Jessica, oh my word, YES. *fingers firmly crossed*

    Charlie, exactly. It's a match made in heaven.

    helenel, okay, good to know. They really do deserve a huge bonus or at the very least a very large muffin basket. ;)

  15. haha! I think I'd settle for hearing him say my name. Slowly.

  16. Raspberry, LOL. I am with you on that one. Say it again, Richard...

  17. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Never reading Georgette Heyer is almost criminal (imho). She is in my top five of favorite authors of all time. And Venetia is possibly in the top two of my favorite of her books. And then to have Richard Armitage read it (btw, did you ever see him playing the semi-bad guy in the BBC robin hood series?), well, you can't get much better.

  18. To be honest, I'd never read Georgette Heyer before, either. A few years ago I happened to find an audio book of These Old Shades in the library, and I wasn't impressed, so I abandoned her. Continued with my Baroness Orczy fix.

    Then, a few weeks ago, I decided to rediscover her. (After all, she's supposed to be the next best thing to Jane Austen, my favorite author. I found out about Richard Armitage reading her books. Bought The Convenient Marriage almost immediately, and I just started listening to it last night. He is AMAZING! It was definitely a question of the speaker! Am looking for the other audiobooks pronto.

    Side note: I've now also read The Convenient Marriage and am in the middle of The Nonesuch. She really is a great writer. Lots of catching up to do!

  19. Personally, I think the Grand Sophey and Arabella are Heyer's best. However, I am loving Armitage reading Sylvester.


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