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BBAW: New Treasures

I'm a bit behind on this one, but I didn't want to let Book Blogger Appreciation Week go by without highlighting three of the best blogs I discovered this year. They're each of them distinct and charming and they managed (within a very short time indeed) to get me coming back for more on a daily basis.
First up--Book Harbinger. Isn't that the best title? This one is a bit of a cheat, as I actually met Holly in person before she started her blog and I may have egged her on a bit when she brought it up as something she was thinking about starting. You see, I knew she'd be just fabulous at it and, after reading (and consistently loving) her reviews on GoodReads, I looked forward to enjoying them in a more extended and unlimited environment. Holly has such a developed sense of and appreciation for beauty and the aesthetics of books, their covers, and their language, and I look forward to each of her reviews and posts with great anticipation. Add her to your feed, guys. You won't regret it.
Next up--Chachic's Book Nook. This is another instance of a blogger I met on GoodReads. Only in this case, I didn't realize she had a fully fledged blog going until after the fact. Silly me. Chachic belongs to an amazing group of Filipino book bloggers and I love her posts on their get togethers, activities, and news. She is also a great source to go to for reviews on all things YA, from contemporary to fantasy. Though she's up for anything and has become a recent (and fervent) convert to Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels books, as well as the works of Juliet Marillier and Sharon Shinn. Basically, she has excellent taste and you should take note of her.
Last, but certainly not least--Emily and Her Little Pink Notes. Another example of one of my favorite blog titles. It was that that drew me there in the first place. But it was the heartfelt and eclectic reviews that kept me. Emily has this to say of her reading taste:
I like feisty heroines, human failures, sweet awkward main characters, witty dialogues, humor, rebellion, rock music, poetry, bad boys, quirky geeky boys, principles of love plus an abundant amount of swooning.
Clearly, we are kindred spirits, she and I. She had the good sense to read (and fall in love with) Diana Peterfreund's Secret Society Girl series this year and she went properly swoony over one Eugenides not long ago as well. My TBR pile has suspiciously grown since following Emily's blog and I have to say, I'm nothing but pleased by that. If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting her site, do so now. She's incredibly nice.


  1. Yay! Emily is one of my absolute favorites and it's so clear from her posts that she just adores you as well. Now I'm off to check out your other 2 recommendations!

  2. Great post, Angie!! I'm going to check out (and likely follow) all of these blogs.

  3. I really love Chachic and Emily's blogs, so I really must check out Book Harbinger!

  4. Aww Angie, thank you for including me in your New Treasures post. I'm so touched because I'm a huge fan of your blog! You really have magical powers of recommendation. Whenever you rave about a certain book, I'm tempted to get it as fast as I can.

    I'm already a follower of both Holly and Emily and I love their blogs. I'm glad you featured them because they deserve to get more followers.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing, Angie :) I have never visitied any of these three blogs but I will check out all of them ASAP.

  6. Angie, what a lovely post. Chachic is the best online friend you could ever have and I love Emily and her unique blog. As for what you said about me, thanks just seems inadequate. That I have your approval means a lot.

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    WOW Thanks! All those blogs are daily stops for me and I think it's really great that we cover different continents and cultures but at the same time we have so much in common

  8. wow, some amazing blogs here, and i know all three of them which makes me super happy. Love Ari's blog a LOT, her tastes and reading habits are very similar to my own so i always have so much fun on her blog. PLus, she recommended the Secret Society books to me, and I just got the first one, so now i'm really excited to read it!

  9. So many great blogs to follow, how am I going to have time to read all the great books they keep recommending? ;)

    Looking forward to checking all these out and in the meantime, I have a blog award for you over here: Congrats!

  10. Ohmygoodness I'm so glad I popped by today and discovered these three lovely blogs! They are absolutely delightful! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Hello, I found you via herbookself's treasure chest post.It's a great way to find new blogs!

  12. Hi! Just found you via Suey's blog (It's All About Books). I'm enjoying my scroll through your blog. I've heard of Emily's blog, but not the other two. Clicking over now ...

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I like Emily's blog as well and have found Chachic's blog this week. I'm off to check the other one out now!

  14. Must check to see if I am following these blogs :)

  15. Katie, aw. We do seem to share a mutual admiration. :) Happy bloghopping!

    Jen, follow away! You won't regret it.

    Amy, I adore Holly's reviews. They're excellent.

    Chachic, awesome. I've always wanted magic powers!!

    Ladybug, oh, good. They're really worth it and they all three post regularly.

    Holly, well it wasn't anything you didn't already know. :)

    Ari, I was thinking the same thing. Love the cultural and international coverage available between you all.

    Carla, OOOH!!! I adore the Secret Society series. It was one of the first things Ari and I bonded over. I cannot wait to hear what you think.

    lisa, I know. So many blogs to read, so little time. And thank you SO much for the award! :)

    Kate, aren't they? I knew exactly which three I wanted to talk about when I saw this BBAW prompt. Thanks for dropping in!

    Helen, it really is. I've found some real treasures this past week.

    Susan, oh, I do love Suey. I'm happy you found your way here via her. She's always reading something fun and new.

    Iris, hope you enjoy Book Harbinger. I love that name...

    Lenore, hehe. Think you'll like them. They're honest and varied and very intelligent.


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