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Victorian Pretties

And now for your creepy, Victorian fix--I bring to the table these three pretties. Two upcoming books and one reissue of a classic. But, man, don't those covers just call out to you to be stroked? Just me? Hmm....

I'm loving the graphic novel feel of this cover. I know very little about it but what I know sounds wildly intriguing. A young girl's debut season. A collection of valuable Egyptian artifacts. A dashing Napoleonic spy. True love. Honestly! I can't imagine being able to turn that combination down. It's topped off with the tagline, "Keep your wits and trust your heart." Awesome. Thanks to the Book Smugglers for the heads up on this one. Due out May 24th.

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
I ran across this lovely reissue while browsing Barnes & Noble's site the other day and wow. I am in love with this new design. It's just perfect somehow, with the bright orange and green and the way Mary's looking down at the keyhole. I must have it. Because one of these days I'm going to read it with Piper. Plus. This Penguin Classic rings up at a mere $4.99. Out now.

The Haunting of Charles Dickens by Lewis Buzbee, with illustrations by Greg Ruth
This one is really more middle grade than YA, but it's about a girl named Meg Pickel who's older brother Orion has disappeared. In her haste to track him down, Meg runs across one Mr. Charles Dickens. The two join forces in finding the source of the missing children. I love the cover. Illustrated by Greg Ruth, I just have the feeling this one should not be missed. Due out October 26th. 


  1. Looove these! Victorian prettiness was the reason I read Soulless by Gail Carriger and ended up really liking it.

    I seriously need to check out Wrapped. Looks awesome!

  2. Oh my, I haven't seen Wrapped before, but it sounds right up my alley!! How ever will I wait until May?

  3. I love th Jennifer Bradbury one. These all look amazing though. I have been noticing how enticing the new covers of the classic are. Like Lord of the Flies and To Kill A Mockingbird as well as this Secret Garden cover.

  4. I must have that version of The Secret Garden, it's lovely.

    Wrapped sounds rather fabulous too!

  5. The Charles Dickens one sounds a bit like The Man who was Poe (Avi).

  6. $4.99? I need that.

  7. Also I'm definitely all about the stroking. Or hugging to chest. Even if the cover isn't gorgeous. ;)

  8. Wrapped looks good! I wants it.

  9. I love the cover for Wrapped, so much and spot on observation about it being grpahic novelly, never thought of that until you said.

    On an unrelated note, how did I not notice you had one of my favourite men in your side bar - yummy.

  10. I'm another one really looking forward to Wrapped. The cover is great and the synopsis amazing.


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