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Still Here

Really. I'm just buried under a pile of Cybils reading as we stare down the bullet that is our deadline to turns over the shortlist titles to the round two judging panel. But I have been taking short breaks here and there to pop in here and there around the blogosphere. So I thought I'd share a couple or three things I've enjoyed lately.

First and foremost, Sarah Rees Brennan has posted a Christmas present to all her fans. In two parts, no less. And it is a most delicious present indeed--a short story set during the events of The Demon's Covenant and told from Jamie's point of view. It is just this sort of thing that makes me do my happy dance. So wait no longer, go enjoy Nick and Jamie Go to the Movies right now! Part 1 and Part 2.

Second, I've had loads of fun stopping in for the many and various posts of Smugglivus going on over at The Book Smugglers place this month. So many great bloggers and authors here, there, and everywhere. Even Megan Whalen Turner! It's a great way to celebrate the holidays and your favorite books of 2010. I'll be taking part a little bit later on . . .

Lastly, I came upon this rather pretty cover for an upcoming 2011 title and had to share it here:
Haven is Kristi Cook's debut novel, out from Simon Pulse in February. The first in a new paranormal series set in the Hudson Valley, it features a southern girl transplanted to New York and the unusual Winterhaven school. Sounds promising.

So. What are you all up to these days?


  1. We miss you! But it's totally understandable...can't wait to see what you all pick for the Cybils. :)

  2. I figured you were busy with Cybils that's why it's been quiet here on your blog. I'm so glad Ana and Thea got MWT for Smugglivus, such a great post. :)

    Oh hey, I finished reading Long Live the Queen over the weekend and I plan to post a review within the week. I've started Long May She Reign but I haven't been able to read a lot because of a couple of dinner things this week.

  3. Amy, aw, thanks. :) We'll be done with our deliberations soon!

    Chachic, yeah, it's coming down to the wire now. I hope LONG MAY SHE REIGN picks up for you. I am a sucker for Meg in all her cantankerousness. And so it was a blissful 700+ pages for me. lol.

  4. I loved that SRB story - every last word. So wonderful. And now I'm feeling the need to go reread them :)

    Also the awesome prologue for MAGIC SLAYS. Yipee! So many wonderful holiday goodies!

    You are much missed Angie, good luck with the cybils reading.


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