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The Raven Boys Cover

I knew next to nothing about The Scorpio Races before it was published, and look how spectacularly that turned out. So my reaction to Maggie Stiefvater's announcement that she has another book coming out this fall, that it's called The Raven Boys, and that it features a girl named Blue and a guy named Gansey was pretty much . . . BRING IT.

First in a four-part series, The Raven Boys is due out September 18th.


  1. THIS IS SO EXCITING! But how are we supposed to wait until September?

    1. I know. The eternal question . . .

  2. A four part series, eh? I guess that makes us quadruple lucky :) Wonder what Miss Stiefvater thought of Beyonce's baby name...

    1. Katie, exactly. :) And I hadn't thought of the name connection there. That's funny.

  3. Ooo. Interesting! Four part series? I'm checking out the links.

    1. Yup. It sounds just so very much fun, doesn't it?

    2. I'm definitely getting the books. Want. And now you're blog has nested replies!!

    3. Lol. It does indeed. What do ya think?

  4. Does anyone know what it's about or if it's paranormal?

    1. Allie, the link is to her announcement where she includes a summary. It is paranormal (or supernatural, at least) and includes a search for a Welsh king, bad boys, ancient curses, etc. So basically all the good stuff. ;)

  5. BRING IT! That's how I felt when I saw her announcement too. I'm so glad she's getting to write the novels that she started when she was younger. Hope this one is just as good as The Scorpio Races.

    1. I know. Those stories fascinate me about her as a young writer and how those ideas are being allowed to see the light of day now.

  6. Oh man, I'm a total Stiefvater whore as of late. I'm listening to Shiver on audio, and reading Scorpio Races on the side, and pretty much had heart palpitations when I saw this cover. Yay!

    1. Hehe. I know the feeling. I love glomming onto an author and just tearing through everything she wrote.

  7. I just saw this one yesterday too!! Cannot wait.

    1. Seriously. After THE SCORPIO RACES, how are we supposed to wait with anything resembling decorum?

  8. I love not knowing much, too.

    1. Lets us savor the possibilities...


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