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Night Broken Cover

Today, revealed the cover of the next Mercy Thompson novel, Night Broken. As has become tradition here, I like to post the new cover and dish about it. This is a much-beloved series, and I'm always eager to see how Dan Dos Santos chooses to depict Mercy next. Tor's cover reveal includes some fascinating comments from Dos Santos on his painting process, as well as some awesome preliminary sketches. Apparently the Ace art director and editor weren't too keen on the hooded trench he initially worked up, but I have to say I'm a fan of it. Wish he'd been allowed to keep that element. Even without it, though, this is probably my favorite Mercy cover since Blood Bound. I love her face and hair. And, guys, just look at what she's holding! Can't wait.


  1. I would have loved to have the trench coat cover! The topless one *blinks* - no, just no.

    So much nicer than the UK covers.

    1. Me, too! I just loved it. Particularly the third b&w sketch on the right. Love it.

      Yeah, I saw the UK covers and wasn't enthused. Not enough personality.

  2. I see what you mean about the trench. Between this cover and the synopsis, well, let's just say I'm glad the wait for the book isn't, grand-scheme, all that long.

    1. Right? Wish they'd kept it!

      I know. I almost feel as though I'll be able to hold out.

  3. I also would have liked the trench coat!!! But yeah, the nudity one--glad that got vetoed.

    1. Why didn't they like it?? I don't understand.

      Yes. Um, no to the nudity. LOL.

  4. I like the coat! I wouldn't mind if they went a ways away from their traditional look for the Mercy covers, since the character dresses nothing like that! (I mean, the tattoos look cool and all, but Mercy is not a cheesecake pin-up girl.) At least this pose is fierce.

    And I agree with everyone that the nudity cover being vetoed is a very good thing.

    1. I wouldn't either. I love his style, but it's definitely removed from Mercy herself. The coat would have been a nice compromise in the right direction. Sigh. But I love her pose, too. Very Mercy.

      Can you imagine the fandom's response if they'd gone with the nude one?! LOL.

  5. Love the cover bar one little detail. Hard to miss but what is up with Mercy's breasts. They are gigantic :)

    1. I was gaping at them yesterday, Adina. They seem to be getting bigger with each cover. It's interesting when you look at his preliminary sketches for this one, they're not nearly as big until the final version. Wonder what prompted that change...

  6. AHHHHH!! I just finished Silver Borne in my Mercy reread and AH to this cover and title! I love the hoodie version but this one works for me too. My least favorite cover is Iron Kissed. I cannot wait for this book.

    BTW Angie, do you know if there's going to be an Alpha & Omega book this year? I don't even see a placeholder Untitled listed on goodreads. Was it only a 3 book series?!


    1. I think my least favorite cover is the one for RIVER MARKED. Mercy in a tube top just doesn't work for me.

      So she doesn't have an Alpha & Omega book under contract right now. She does have one more Mercy under contract and then one more book "in the Mercyverse." Which she says could be an A&O book or could be something else entirely (my money would be on a Sam book or possibly Ben). But she has said Anna & Charles have more stories to be told. So I guess we'll see where the muse takes her. Man, I loved FAIR GAME . . .

  7. Ooooo! I love it! I must be living under a rock because this is the first time I've seen the cover OR the title. Yikes.

    1. Lol. No worries, Christine! We've still got a bit of a wait. But I always look forward to the next Mercy so.

  8. That was really interesting. I loved getting a peak at the process. Thanks for sending this along.

    1. I know. I love that behind the scenes stuff. My pleasure!


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