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Angie's 2021 Must Be Mine

 It's like I don't want to curse anything by saying too much about my hopes for 2021. But I have zero problem talking about the upcoming books I'm excited to read. And so here are my most anticipated novels of 2021:

And no covers yet on these, but I'm looking forward to them just the same:

Neverland by Meagan Spooner

Subtle Blood by K.J. Charles

Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas

Which titles are on your list?


  1. My list for 2021 has been so tiny, I was looking forward to your list. :) I've just made my list much larger. For the Wolf sounds so good! I'm curious about Anne in Manhattan. I may have to give it a try, but Anne of Green Gables retellings usually fall flat for me and I know it's because the original has so much nostalgia wrapped up in it that nothing can possibly touch it.

    1. Oh, good! I'm glad, Misti. Doesn't For the Wolf look great? And yeah, Anne of Manhattan could go either way I'm sure. I haven't read very many Green Gables retellings, but I can see them falling flat easily. Any titles on your list that I should know about?

  2. This list has added to mine! I am looking forward to the new Nalini Singh thriller Quiet in Her Bones, as thrillers and mysteries seemed to interest me more lately. The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur, the third book in Diana Peterfreund's Clue series (listening to the audio), and Chaos on Catnet for others in the genre. I am looking forward to Aiden Thomas' next book Lost in the Never Woods. The next Silvia Moreno-Garcia novella and the releases of her out of print books with new edits are also on my list. I'm excited for the year. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I really need to expand my Nalini Singh reading by starting the Psy-Changeling series. And I am in the middle of Diana Peterfreund's first Clue novel right now and really enjoying it! Thank you so much for sharing what you're looking forward to. I love hearing it and adding titles to my TBR.

  3. After reading Boyfriend Material on your recommendation (I saw it on your Best of 2020 list) and really really loving it, I'm greatly looking forward to Alexis Hall's next - 'Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake'!! With Lucy Parker's Battle Royal, I'm very excited for upcoming romantic comedies by favorite authors set at baking reality tv shows.

    I wanted to thank you for your reviews and recommendations. They've led me to discover many newly-beloved books that have become old friends during this interminable time. Without you, I wouldn't have met Eugenides or Ronan or Baz or Quincy St. Claire or Kell or Charlotte Holmes or so many other characters that are now very close to my heart. Thank you!


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