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In Which Angie Discovers the Richard Armitage Fan Blog...

...and regular programming comes to a screeching halt while she stares blissfully at a post dedicated entirely to Mr. Thornton's cravats.


  1. You know what's funny? I'm watching N&S right now, as we speak, for the first time. He looks just as I imagine Poe would in ten years.

  2. You are not. Seriously? Is it not made of the very most awesome?

    Also my brain just exploded at the thought of RA as grown-up Poe. It's too perfect. *dies*

  3. I keep trying to get my mom to watch North and South. Seriously.

  4. Janicu, oh man. My mom went nuts over it. I gave it to her for Christmas, we watched it, then she flew back home and watched it again. Hehe.

  5. Oh, wow. *swooning* That cravat post was...great. Thanks, Ang! Obviously I need to watch it again.

  6. Ha! Just barely post some Richard Armitage love myself. Too funny.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love him so so much. I need to see what else he is in and then rent them all immediately.

  9. Anonymous9:00 PM

    cravats have got to the sexiest thing that isn't already on a man's body ;)

  10. Holly, *grin* I know. Anytime you want to get together and watch it, I am up for it. :)

    Suey, lol, it's just that kind of day. *goofy grin*

    Janssen, I know the feeling. I'm this close to breaking out the BBC Robin Hood and just giving myself over to it.

    Aimee, LOL! What is it about them? I can't figure it out. But whatever it is, it's real.

  11. Diana and Angie, I always pictured Po as Viggo Mortensen-y, but Armitage works very well too. Oh, cravats! Hawt :)

  12. Rhiannon, Viggo, eh? I hadn't thought of him as Poe before. But Armitage is like a revelation as Poe in 10 years. lol. DH asked me last night if I really thought cravats were hot. I debated my answer and settled for nodding vigorously. ;)

    Jennie, what's not to love? Tall, check! Dark, check! Brooding, check! Killer smile, check!

  13. HAHA! Thank you for the shout-out. That guy really does know how to rock a cravat. :)

    A friend of mine brought your blog to my attention and I love it! Very clever and funny!

    I also LOVE reading, especially young adult and fantasy like you. Have you read the Percy Jackson series? Or the Fablehaven series? (Perhaps you've already reviewed them... I haven't explored your blog entirely.) They're both fun.

    Anyway, nice to "meet" you and I'll be dropping by your blog now that I've discovered it for myself. :)


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