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Sinister Pretties

Chilling, aren't they? With the staring eyes and the the expressions on their faces, ranging from the haunted to the haunting, I just keep coming back to look at them. And I'm anxious to be creeped out and entertained by each one of them.

Red Glove by Holly Black
I have to say this cover reminds me of poor Annie and the freaking Red Room in the second season of Twin Peaks. And for that I have to say, "Thanks a lot, cover gods!" The end of that excellent show still makes me shudder. Sequel to White Cat, this is the second book in Black's Curse Workers series. I'm a bit behind and need to catch up before it comes out. I've heard very good things. Fortunately, I've got a little time. Due out April 5th.

The House of Dead Maids by Clare B. Dunkle
I would be reading this book for the title alone, awesome cover aside. And for the fact that it's by Clare Dunkle and I loved her Hollow Kingdom trilogy. What makes this even more attractive is the fact that it's a Wuthering Heights prequel of sorts. Tabby Aykroyd comes to Seldom House to look after an unusual young boy. Haunted by the ghost of her predecessor, she tries to wrangle the young Heathcliff and stay alive at the same time. Due out September 14th.

A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford
It appears I cannot give up on the angels. But this one caught my attention and I have high hopes. What intrigues me is that it sounds as though it begins after the action, so to speak. Eden already fell for a fallen angel and now she's dead herself. Or rather, trapped in between life and death, with a dangerous power at her disposal. The first in a planned trilogy and Ms. Clifford's debut, you can put down as very interested. Due out February 22nd.


  1. Is it just me, or does that Red Glove cover look like an HBO series promo poster? Could be reading things into it, but...

  2. EEeeep!

    My teen would read the The House of Dead Maids by the title alone. And if that didn't grab her, the cover would! She loves creepy, scary stuff these days. Oh the horror! LOL ;)

  3. Dunkle has another book coming? Interesting. And I'm just shaking my head over that Red Glove cover. I'm excited to read it, but this one does NOTHING for me. *sigh*

  4. I've heard great things about The House of Dead Maids and I absolutely LOVE its cover. I actually don't care for A Touch Mortal's cover too much. I don't hate it, I'm just indifferent. The Red Glove cover is creepy and it makes me want to fish White Cat out of my tbr pile.

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    The House of Dead Maids is the type of cover that you buy the book instantly without knowing what the book is about because it is so awesome.

  6. Oh wow, that cover for The House of Dead Maids is really creepy! The cover alone is enough to scare me, LOL.

  7. celi.a, HA! It does, now that you mention it.

    Christine, lol. It really does look awesome.

    Michelle, did you see the re-done WHITE CAT cover they did to match this one? Interesting choice.

    Jacqueline, yes. I borrowed my sister's copy of WHITE CAT and I really must finish it.

    Tiah, that's just how I felt as well! It doesn't even matter, it's so cool.

    Chachic, I know. Her eyes...

  8. For some reason the girl on the cover of the book "A Touch Mortal" reminds me of the Indian Actress Aishwarya Rai. Google her!


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