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Perfect Pretties

It's been awhile since my last pretties post. I guess I've been waiting around for three covers (and synopses) that really got my heart going, you know? Well, these three are it. I cannot wait to get my hands on them and they each sound completely different from the others but completely perfect in their own way. These are three new-to-me authors and how utterly exciting is that? I also (amazingly) wouldn't change a thing about any of these covers. Not the titles, not the artwork, not a thing. They're perfect.

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
This one has slowly worked up my interest as I've seen the cover popping up all over the place. But I finally caved and read a (very) short synopsis and now I'm officially really looking forward to it. It's an amnesia tale (they can really go either way, can't they?) and it reminds me somewhat of Gabrielle Zevin's Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, which I enjoyed. But I've perused the author's website and I like what I see. Especially how cryptic it all is. High hopes here.
Due out September 27th.

The Returning by Christine Hinwood
My excitement for this one is two-fold. First of all, Adele from Persnickety Snark gave it a resoundingly good review and Trisha from The YA YA YAs has it on her most anticipated titles of 2011 list. Both incredibly good signs. Secondly, ohmygoodnessdidyounoticethecoverblurbbynoneotherthanMeganWhalenTurner? SOLD. Interestingly, this is Ms. Hinwood's first book and it was originally published in Australia in 2009 under the title Bloodflower.
Due out April 14th.

Dreams of Significant Girls by Cristina Garcia
It's to do with the title. I am in very deep love with this title and wanted to read the book before I even remotely knew what it was about. Turns out, it's about three very different young girls who become roommates at a Swiss boarding school. An Iranian princess, a German-Canadian eccentric, and a Cuban-Jewish New Yorker culinary phenom. Well, why not?
Due out July 12th.


  1. I actually won an art print of the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer from Michelle...that is probably the most beautiful cover I have seen in a very long time :)

  2. Beautiful covers, the stories don't sound bad either :) I think my favourite's the third one.

  3. Oh these are so pretty! I love the cover of Dreams of Significant Girls. Looks lovely.

  4. Oh wow. I'm sold on The Returning by the blurb alone, too! Must find out what it says.

  5. Lovely covers! The premise all look interesting too. Must look them up in Goodreads and add in my wishlist. The blurb from MWT is so exciting! *squee* I'm always interested in books that she recommends.

  6. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I love the sound of all of these books! They all have such gorgeous covers too. I love the unique plot premise of Dreams of Significant Girls the most, it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. :D

  7. Beautiful covers!

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