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Uncertain Pretties

We're looking at the beginning of next year here, but  I had to highlight these pretties I'd seen floating about in the ether lately. I've only read one of these authors before, and I adore her. The others are new to me and come with all the possibility inherent in an unknown quantity wrapped in a pretty package.

This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers
Courtney Summers does zombies. If that doesn't make the top of your head blow off, I don't know what will. I cannot wait to read her take on them, especially as her main character is a girl with a death wish. Normally, I'm not a fan of covers where the girl's head is missing or cut off or covered, but what with the zombies and the blood splatter--I'm kind of okay with it.
Due out June.

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Well, I love the cover, you see. And the font. And the title. Even if I do keep saying im-probability in my head. What is up with that? I'm hearing good things about this one, and I can tell I will be in the mood for a romantic meet-in-the-airport-we-only-have-four-minutes kind of happy read come cold January. Set in a 24-hour period, British boy named Oliver, yeah, where do I sign?
Due out January 2nd.

Tempest by Julie Cross
Okay. Truthfully, this cover is a little too reminiscent of the cover of Hush, Hush for my taste. And the font is a bit Twilight-ey. But I'm trying to not let that bad taste in my mouth from previous books get in the way of my enjoyment of others. So. Time traveling dude trying to save his girl's life and escape the Enemies of Time who are out to get him. It's set, well, in several different times (obviously), but it starts out a couple of years ago, and I always like it when authors do that.
Due out January 3rd.

So how about you? Which ones are you up for?


  1. I'm loking forwad to Tempest! This is the first time I've seen the cover...I can't help but wonder if one would really arch one's back and stick one's arm out like the girl while falling feet down through the air (wonders if it's worth looking at pictures of trapeeze (sp?) artists. decides it's not).

  2. Totally looking forward to This is Not a Test. I loved Courtney Summers' Some Girls Are, so the news of her releasing a zombie novel just made me more excited to read her other novels while waiting. :)

  3. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight sounds really fun. I should get this one for my teen especially considering she is taking AP Stats this year! LOL! haha! Wonder if she can get extra credit from her teacher for reading this ? :P

  4. I am so excited about the first to. Summers can do no wrong!

  5. Charlotte, LOL!

    Tina, I know. SOME GIRLS ARE blew me away. Loved it so much.

    Christine, doesn't it? And I think that's an awesome idea for your girl. What a good mom you are.

    Blueicegal, I agree. :)

  6. Of course the ulterior motive is that I can read it too. But you know that about me already.. ;)

  7. I hadn't heard of This Is Not A Test and Tempest. The covers are nice, though. I can't wait for The Statistical Probability of Love at Fist Sight.

  8. I'm with you about the Tempest cover. I was surprised to find out that it wasn't an angel novel at all. i'm excited for The Statiscial Probability...

  9. Ooh, Courtney Summers and zombies? I'm so there.

  10. oh i love the stastistical probability cover too(much more than our Aussie one :/ )

    cannot wait for the courtney summers :D

  11. Dying for Statistical Probability. CANNOT WAIT.

  12. I totally agree... that cover looks WAY like Hush, Hush... and it kinda turned me off, seeing as I didn't love that one.

  13. Christine, *grin* I did know that.

    Jenny, yep. It does look really good.

    Tara, me too! Surprised and relieved actually. Angels are so hard to do well, IMO.

    Holly, right??

    Nomes, ooh, I haven't seen the Aussie one. Must go see...

    Janssen, looks awesome.

    Nicole, neither did I. Actually, I really disliked it. So here's hoping the cover is the only resemblance.


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