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Romantic Pretties

These three took up residence together in the same space in my mind a little while ago. Each one made it onto my upcoming reads list as I became aware of them. But it was when I saw the cover for Sacred that they sort of slid into place together for a pretties post. So here they are. And I really am so looking forward to reading each one (full disclosure: I actually have an ARC of one of them already, so it really should be next on my list)!

Sacred by Elana K. Arnold
This may be the one I'm looking forward to the most. And it's definitely my favorite of the three covers, probably because it puts me in mind of a Secret Garden/Scorpio Races mash-up. Don't ask me how these connections are made. They just are. But bonus points--it takes place on Catalina Island--the island I gazed out at from my bedroom window throughout high school and where I went scuba diving and hiking with friends and family. So bring on the tale of the grieving girl who rides her horse on an island I love.
Due out November 13th.

Uses for Boys by Erica Lorraine Scheidt
Oh, but this cover. It is too much to resist, no? I mean, yes, the boy's hair is swooping down to a bit too much of a point for me, but the wrapped in lights thing is delightful. So there. Actually, the word is that this one is a bit devastating. Bad girl meets good boy with happy family and finds out she has something to lose . . . yep. Recipe for pain. But. It sounds like the writing may just be something to behold. And so I will find out for myself.
Due out January 15th.

Falling for You by Lisa Schroeder
I was so taken with Chasing Brooklyn that I haven't moved on to another Schroeder book yet. I don't want that little sphere of awesome ruined, I suppose. But I think I shall make an exception for this one. Main character Rae works in a flower shop and she uses flowers and poetry to deal with an unhappy home life. Also there are boys. And Lisa's lovely writing. Count me in.
Due out January 1st.


  1. Those are all books I'm looking forward to as well--especially Lisa's. I actually haven't read Chasing Brooklyn yet because I'm saving it because it's the only one of her books I haven't read. She just writes this perfect little stories that linger.

    1. Lol. We're taking opposite strategies Schroeder-wise. I think you will really love CHASING BROOKLYN then. It's definitely lingered with me.

  2. All of these make me swooooon!! SO pretty, indeed! I'm really looking forward to all of them myself. :)

    1. Yup. High swoon factor all around. :)

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Such pretty covers!


    1. Aren't they? Good to see your font, Karen.

  4. I've seen the covers for the first two but not the last. You make me want to read Chasing Brooklyn now.

    1. I definitely recommend it, Lin. It's lovely from start to finish.

  5. Secret Garden and Scorpio Races? I can sort of see where you get that. :)

  6. You lived on Catalina? How did I not know this? I've never been there but my parents have scuba dived on the island multiple times. I kind of want to read that now. And Falling for you of course. I think I'm all current on Lisa Schroeder reads. :)

    1. In San Pedro, directly across from it. We lived right on the cliffs facing Catalina, so that was my view.

  7. Can I share a secret? I actually LOVE kissing covers. Because that promises one of my favorite things in books: kissing. I'll almost always buy a book when it has two kissing people on it.

    By the way, Uses for Boys? LOTS of kissing but it's sad kissing. If that makes sense. It's very unsettling and stomach-turning, to be honest. Beautifully written but very sad. So if you're in the mood for, you know, heartbreak, you may want to read this.

    1. Hehe. What's not to love?! They make me happy.

      I knew you'd read this one, and I'm prepping myself for the sad kissing. Stomach-turning makes me a little leery. Overall, you'd say it's worth it, though?

  8. Sacred looks like my kind book! I'll definitely be reading it. Wouldn't it be lovely if it was this years Scorpio Races?

  9. I'm totally with you on the Scorpio Races/Secret Garden vibe of that cover - and I hope the book is as lovely as those two books are!


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