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Fairy Tale Pretties

I'm in the mood for a new fairy tale (or three). I realize your natural reaction is: Angie, when in the world are you not in the mood for new fairy tales and/or retellings? And the answer is: pretty much never. But. With the exception of Cruel Beauty and Tiger Lily (but even that's been more than a year ago), I haven't really fallen in love for awhile. Time to change that.

Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen
I recently became aware of this title and immediately knew I'd be giving it a go. Peter Pan from Captain Hook's perspective, this Hook is cursed to forever engage in pointless warfare with Pan. Until one day a grown woman finds her way to Neverland and, in that simple defiance, provides a light at the end of the tunnel. I . . . have a good feeling about this.
Due out July 8th

Stray by Elissa Sussman
So this one gives me the tingles not just for it's shivery cover (I love it, love it, love it), but because the main character is a Fairy Godmother. And not by choice. She is also under a curse and is require to be chaste and can't control her magic and, well, all of it adds up to I will be reading this book.
Due out October 7th

Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis
Sci-fi Snow White. Sounds like she's a bit of a coder/mechanic who's gone missing from her home planet and encounters a young man in need of her help. Obvious Lunar Chronicles comparisons will undoubtedly abound, but I look forward to a fresh voice in the genre. The author's website boasts a "Geeky-chic books for teen" tag that made me smile.
Due out October 14th


  1. Did you like Cruel Beauty? I have it on my iPad, but I haven't started into it yet. Also, the covers on these are lovely!

  2. I'm always on the lookout for fairy tale retellings too! And I haven't come across any good ones lately. My most recent was also Cruel Beauty. Thanks for the heads up on these titles, I'll add them to my wishlist.

  3. I know you are! And you're welcome. Hope they're as good as they look.

  4. I'm looking forward to Alias Hook, and hand't heard about Stitching Snow. Sounds great!

  5. Agreed. I'm a sucker for a good Peter Pan revisioning.

  6. Those all look lovely. I'm especially looking forward to Stray. Have you seen this art on Etsy? I thought it was the same image as the cover art on that cover, but it's just SLIGHTLY different....

  7. Wow. I hadn't seen it. That's awesome. Wonder if GreenWillow licensed (and tweaked) it for the cover?

  8. I'm curious as well, though I don't have any answers for you. (Sorry!) They seem too similar to be a coincidence though.


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