Life's been a bit busy lately and so I've combined the last two months this time.
Best reads of the past two months:
Sacred by Dennis Lehane (best one in the series so far, hands down)
Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris (not enough Eric, but Quinn's a tiger and that's cool)
The Dream-Maker's Magic by Sharon Shinn (last and probably best in the trilogy; when it comes to trilogies, my favorites tend to be the middle books, so this one was a pleasant surprise)
The Princess Diaries Vol. 1&2 by Meg Cabot (picked up against my better judgment, turns out it's laugh-out-loud funny; i love being proven wrong when it comes to books)
Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich (not a resolution in sight, but Ranger's there being all Rangery, so all is right in Plumland)
Best rereads of the past two months:
Homecoming, Dicey's Song, A Solitary Blue, Sons From Afar, and Seventeen Against the Dealer by Cynthia Voigt (Finest Kind)
Sunshine and The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley (when, oh when, is her next book coming out?)
The Road Home by Ellen Emerson White (she stopped in for our discussion on Readerville--it was awesome)
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